Description | Present: The President; Mr Eames; Mr Jones; Mr Rand; Mr Hadley; Mr Jeffreys; Mr Theobald; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' Dr Stack's bill amounting to £5 : 17 : 7 was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
A gratuity of sixty pounds was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid to each Secretary for the Services of the present year.
A Letter from Dr Desaguliers concerning the Experiments performed by him before the Society since the year 1731, the time of his last payment, was read.
Whereupon the Sum of thirty pounds was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid to Dr Desaguliers, in compensation of his expenses and services since the year 1731, and in full of all demands.
The Sum of fifty pounds, being one year's Salary due to Mr Hauksbee the 11th of October 1733, was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Mr Hadley, Mr Jones, and Mr Jeffreys were elected Auditors of the Treasurer's Accompts of the present year on the part of the Council, to be joined in a Committee with the President and one of the Secretaries, according to the Statutes.
The Report of the Committee for inspecting the Repository was read : and the matters therein contained were referred to the consideration of the next Council that shall be appointed after the Audit of the Accompts.
Thanks were ordered to the Gentlemen of the Committee, for thje great care and pains they have already taken in settling the Repository. ' |