Description | Present: The President; Mr Gale; Mr West; Mr Eames; Mr Jones; Mr Jeffreys; Mr Lethieullier; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' The Treasurer reported, that he had been with Mr Savile, the Society's Tenant in Coleman Street, to discourse with him about leaving the house at Christmas next, and was surprized to find he intended to pull down and take away, to the great detriment of the house, everything that he had erected and affixed to it, unless he had an Equivalent paid him to let them stand, and which he rated at the Sum of two hundred pounds. He further reported, that Mr Savile affirmed he had been offered the Sum of one hundred and fifty pounds for those conveniencies by a Blackwell - Hall Factor, who had some time since a design to take the house of him, but is now accommodated otherwise.
Which Report being taken into consideration, the Matter was referred to Mr Gale, Mr West and Mr Theobald, who were appointed a Committee to examine the State and condition of the house, and the obligation of the Articles in the Lease. And thereupon it was ordered, that the Counterpart of the Lease be delivered to the said Gentlemen of the Comittee; that the said Committee be impowered to employ Surveyors to view the house, in order to see that it be left by Mr Savile according to the condition of the Lease : that they be impowered to treat with, and employ workmen for any necessary repairs : and that they have full power to enter into an agreement with any new Tenant for the house upon such terms as in their best discretion shall seem most fitting.
Dr Mortimer reported, that the Committee had finished their inspection of the Repository : so there remained only the trouble to dispose the Rarities in their proper Classes, and to make out the Catalogue of them. Whereupon he was desired to oblige the Socity with taking upon him the trouble of compleating the work.
Mr Zollman's Salary of twenty pounds, due for the present year, was put to the Ballot, agreed to, and ordered to be paid.
Mr Hauksbee was ordered to go to the Society's Tenant Roger Life at Acton, and to demand of him to shew his last Receipt ; in order to know what rent is due : and also to enquire of him, who they are that are to pay the Quit-rents, and how much they amount to.
The Treasurer reporting, that it was time to receive the Interest due on the South - Sea Bonds ; it wa ordered , that the said Bonds should be put into his custody for that purpose, at the next meeting of the Society. ' |