Description | Present: The President; Mr Gale; Mr Eames; Mr Jones; Mr Collinson; Mr West; Dr Stuart; Mr Theobald; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' Ordered that the Minute of the Council relating to keeping Order be hung up in the meeting Room, and that the Minute relating to asking leave for Strangers be hung up in the outer Room.
Ordered that the Resolution agreed to on the 26th of March, for giving liberty to compound for the Contributions and Arrears on terms therein set forth, and which was to stand to Midsummer, be continued and stand good to the 13th of November next.
Ordered that Mr Hauksbee write to each Member who is above two yeaers in Arrear, to acquaint him with the Society's demands upon him, and with the terms of the following Resolution . "Resolved, that every Member, who desires to be free from Contribution, shall accordingly have his Bond delivered up to be cancelled, and shall be discharged of all Arrears, upon the payment of so much as will make up his former Contributions to the Sum of twenty five pounds ; on condition that the said payment be made to the Treasurer or his Deputy on or before the 13th day of November 1735."
A copy of which last Order and Resolution he is to subjoin in a Letter in the following terms. "To Mr ..... Sir, Crane Court, June ... 1735 By an Order of the Council of the Royal Society, as underneath, I am to acquaint You that your Contribution is due from the ..... day of ..... and amounts at ....... to the Sum of ...... Francis Hauksbee Clerk R.S. "
Ordered that Mr Tyler Attorney in Aldersgate Street be impowered to act for the Society in recovering the Rent due from Mr Staines their Tenant in Crane - Court : and that he have directions to proceed therein forthwith.
Agreed to be Ballot that twenty Guiineas by paid to Mr Stephen Gray, in consideration of his charges and Pains in performing several Electrical Experiments for the entertainment of the Society.
Doctor Stack's Bill amounting to £12:7:0 was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
At the desire of Mr Miller Leave was granted to lend Mr Hardress the following Books : Tully de optimo genere Oratorum, a Manuscript The Edition of Tully printed at Milan in 1498. The Edition of Tully printed at Venice in 1491. On condition that Mr Miller give his own Bond as usual for the return of the same. '