Description | Present: The President; Mr Eames; Mr Jones; Mr Andrews; Mr Theobald; Mr Rand; Dr Massey; Dr Mortimer
' The Minutes of last Council were read.
Agreed to be Ballot, and ordered to be paid; Mr Gwynn's Bill for Carpenter's Work amounting to £63:14:0 Mr Theobald's Bill for fire-wood, £4:10:0 Mr Hauksbee's Bill for a year's Salary due October 11, and for writing seventy Letters to the Members in Arrear, and for entering Minutes of the Council, amounting to £52:16:6.
A Gratuity of sixty Pounds to Mr Machin as Secretary for the present year, ending at St Andrew's Day 1735. A Gratuity of sixty Pounds to Dr Mortimer as Secretary for the same time.
Mr Zollman's Salary of twenty Pounds for the present year ending at the same time .
Ordered four Guinea's to Thomas Green for his work in the Repository, and that Doctor Mortimer de receive the same for him, and see it paid to his Creditors.
The President proposed an additional Article to the seventh Chapter of the Statutes relating to the Election of the Council and Officers Viz: "Art: XIII. Whereas the number of the Members of the Royal Socity is so large, as to render the Election of the Council and Officers so tedious, that many Members cannot attend during the whole time; any Fellow being present shall be permitted, on the day appointed, during the time of the Society's sitting for Election, to give in his three Lists all together, or any two or one of them : the several Lists being marked, one with a Line drawn under each Name of the eleven Members of the present Council to be continued for the year ensuing ; another marked in the same manner with the Names fo the ten Fellows not of the present Council to be added to the former elelven ; and a third marked wioth the several marks for the President, for the Treasurer, and for the two Secretaries. And the Secretaries and Scrutators shall put the said Lists into the several Boxes provided for that purpose , and shall note down the Name of each Fellow giving in his Lists, and take notice whther he gives in one, two, or all three Lists at the same time. In all other respects to proceed in the same manner as prescribed by the former Statutes."
Which additional Statute being read, and the Question being put, whether the Draught of th esaid Statute then agreed upon, shall be read at another Meeting : it was put to the Ballot, and passed in the affirmative. ' |