Description | Present: The President; Mr Paul; Mr Folkes; Mr Theobald; Mr Eames; Mr Gale; Mr Jones; Lord Carpenter; Mr Collinson; Mr Wesr; Mr Rand; Mr George Graham; Mr Richard Graham; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' Mr Paul and Mr Theobald were sworn of the Council.
A Motion was made, and seconded by the President and mr Foles, thast Thanks should be recorded to Mr Gale, for his Services to the Society in the prudent and carefull Management of their Affairs during his Treasurership : and that he should be desired to accept of some small Present as a Memorial fo their Acknowledgment.
Whereupon it was put to the Ballot, and agreed to nemine contradicente, that a Present shoudl be made to Mr Gale of a piece of Plate of the value of twenty five Guinea's, with the Arms of the Society engraven on it, and a proper Inscription on the occasion.
Ordered, that the Money in Mr Gale's hands be paid to Mr West the present Treasurer, by a Direction to Mr Gale in the following words : "Sir, By an Order of Council made this Day, you are impowered and desired to pay the ballance in your hands due to the Society amounting to the Sum of [blank] to James West Esq the present Treasurer ; and his Receipts for the same shall be your Discharge."
Doctor Stack had Orders to draw up a List of the Benefactions to the Society in pursuance of the Minute of the last Council.
The Proposal for converting Sir Godfrey Copley's Donation into an honorary Prize was, according to the Order of reference in the last Council, taken into consideration : and after some Discourses thereon, it was agreed to and resolved that instead of Sir Godfrey Copley's annual Donation of five Pounds, a Gold Medal should be struck of the same Value, with the Arms of the Society impressed on it ; and that the same should be given as a voluntary Reward or honorary Favour for the best Experiment produced within the Year, and bestowed in such a manner as to avoid any Envy or Disgust in Rivalship.
Whereupon Mr Folkes, Mr Gale and Mr West, and Mr Theobald were desired to consult together about a proper Medal.
Mr Folkes proposed that some Impressions might be taken of the Title Page to Sprat's History of the Royal Society from the Plate in the Society's Custody ; that Cut being now very scarce and seldom to be met with. Which was accordingly agreed to and ordered to be done : and Dr Mortimer was desired to look out that as well as other Plates that might be cleaned and fit to take off Impressions of any such Cutts as are become scarce.
Mr Gale desired Leave to take Copy of Bishop Wilkin's Picture for a Present to Trinity College in Cambridge : which was accordingly granted and ordered.
A Bill of Dr Stacks dated December 7 : 1736 amounting to £7 . 13 . 6 was agreed to by Ballot and ordered to be paid.
As also a Bill of Mr Hauksbee for copying Minutes from December 18 . 1735 to July 8 . 1736. amounting to £7 . 10 . 6.
Dr Stuart was sworn of the Council. ' |