Description | Present: The President; Mr Folkes; Mr Jones; Mr Theobald; Mr Eames; Mr Richard Graham; Mr George Graham; Mr Rand; Dr Stuart; Dr Mortimer
' The heads of what had been done by Dr Stack in making Catalaogues of the Donatins to the Royal Society from their first Establishment to June 1737 : extracted out of the Journal Books, Council Books etc of the Society, were read. Whereupon it was -
Ordered, that the List of Books given for these eleven years past, and referred to Members of the Society to give in Accounts of them ; and the List of Instruments, Books etc lent out to any persons whatsoever; be referred to Mr Hauksbee, to see whether the said Books, Instruments etc have been returned to the Royal Society : and if not, to call upon or write to the several persons, and to desire them to return them.
Ordered, that Dr Stack and Mr Hauksbee take on Inventory of all the household Furniture, Pictures etc, under proper heads, belonging to the Royal Society in their House in Crane Court where they usually meet; and enter the same in a Book to be kept for that purpose : wherein all new Furniture, which shall be brought in, is to be entered from time to time, and Notes put to such of the old Furniture as it decays or becomes useless.
The President proposed that there should be Tables made containing the Names of the Benefactors, with the Value of their several Donations of five Pounds and upwards, under the following heads. A Table of the Benefactors and Donation of Land, Houses etc, with the yearly Rent of each expressed. A Table of the Benefactors, who have given Sums of Money of five Pounds or upwards. A Table of Benefactors, who have given Books and Curiosities natural or articifial to the Value of five Pounds or upwards. And he proposed farther, that the Names of Donors of things of smaller Value be entered at the end of the Catalogues of the Library and of the Repository : and that the time when the Donation was made, whether of great or small Value, be expressed in each Article. Whereupon it was ordered that Dr Stack draw up Draughts of the said Tables, and give notice to the President as soon as he hath finished them, in order to lay them before the next Counil.
It being proposed that a Vellum Book be got, in which the Names of the Benefactors with their several Donations should be entered,, it was agreed that the considertion therof should be deferred to the next Council.
It being proposed that one of the Rooms in the House should be fitted up for keeping in it the Instruments, Machines and Models, it was agreed to defer taking any Resolution thereupon till next Council.
It being proposed, that when the original Papers are all placed in Guard -Books, and the Indexes to them are perfected, there should be three Keys made to the Presses wherein they are to be kept, one for the President, the other two for the two Secretaries : the Resolution thereupon was deferred to the next Council. Vid. Min. of the Council November 26 1674. [marked in pencil - 3 Dec]
Ordered, that Mr Colwall's Picture be hung over the Chimney in the Repository.
Ordered, that the original Papers used in the Commercium epistolicum be at the next Council taken out of the Iron Chest, and committed to the care of Mr Jones, who is desired to see them pasted into a Guard - Book all in one Volume.
Mr Jones was desired to bring back at the next Council Lord Somers's Bond for £100 which had been committed to his Care. Vid. Min. of the Council February 5 : 1718/19.
Mr Peckover's Bill for a Case to the Clock given by Mr Hodgson, being for £7.7.0. was put to the Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
It being put to the Ballot was ordered that the Treasurer pay to Dr Stack £10.10.0 for the trouble he hath had in making out the Extracts of the Donations, about which he hath employed ten weeks reckoning six hours per diem, according to a former agreement for such sort of work. '