Description | Present: The President, Lord Stanhope, Mr Folkes, Dr Massey, Mr Hodgson, Lord Carpenter, Mr West, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin
' It was represented, that the Order of the las Council relating to the approbation of the forem of Certificates for Candidates by one of the Secretaries is now become unnecessary, because the Statute describing the qualifications requisite for Candidates is hung up in the meeting Room as a general Direction : wherefore it was moved that the said Order of the last Council be annulled. Which was accordingly ordered.
It was proposed and agreed to as an usefull Precept that would be of Service to the Society, that no person sign a Certificate in recommendation of a Candidate, unless he be personally acquainted with him.
Mr West informed the Council, that Mr Tyler had recovered all the money due to the Society from Mr Staines; and that as he had taken some pains in the Service of the Society, it might not be improper to make him some Gratification : accordingly it was put to the Ballot and agreed, that Mr Tyler be paid five Guinea's for the Trouble he had been at.
Precedants for electing Printers to the Society were searched ; and it appearing that the President had Power to appoint one or more Printers exclusive of the Power that may be in the Society : he accordingly recommended Mr Charles Davis and Mr Thomas Woodward as two Printers to the Society. Who being called in, the Statutes relating to their Office were read to them : after which they were sworn in, and a Copy of the Statute relating to their Office was delivered to them.
It was moved in favour of Doctor Thomas Shaw, that in consideration of his Services to the Society he might be excused his payments, and have liberty to take up his Bond. Which being put to Ballot was agreed.
The same was also moved in favour of Captain Middleton : and being agreed to by Ballot, Mr Hauksbee was ordered to deliver up the said Bonds accordingly.
The following Bills were laid before the Council: Dr Stack's Bill for .....£25.16.0. Mr Roubillac's Bill for a Pedestal to Sir Isaac Newton's Bust .....£2.7.0. Mr Hauksbee's Bill for ..... £6.2.6. For a Case to the Crocodile .....£0.15.0. Which Bills being put to the Ballot were agreed to and ordered to be paid.
It being represented, that the Tiling of the Society's house was in a very bad Condition, Mr Gwyn the Carpenter, who had examined it, was called in, and said he believed it might be sufficiently well repaired for twenty-five Pounds. Whereupon it was referred to Mr West to take it into his consideration , and order what he thought proper to be done. ' |