Description | Present at a Council, The President, Mr Hadley, Mr G Graham, Mr Rand, Mr Collinson, Mr Theobald, Mr West, Dr Pearce, Mr Mann, Mr Andrews, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin
' The Reverend Doctor Pearce, Mr Graham, and Mr Rand were sworn of the Council.
The President proposed for Auditors of the Treasurer's Accompts for the last year on the part of the Council; Mr Hadley, Mr Mann and Mr Theobald : who being severally put to the Ballot were elected.
Mr Theobald shewed the Draught of a Design for a Medal to be given as a Reward for Sir Godfrey Copley's annual Experiment. Which being approved he was desired to procure an Estimate of the Charges for cutting the Dye.
The President appointed the Prize for the last year on Sir Godfrey Copley's Legacy to be given to Mr James Valoue Watchmaker, the Inventor of an Engine for driving the Piles to make a Foundation for the Bridge to be erected at Westminster : the Model whereof had been shewn to the Society.
The President spoke concerning the Anatomy Lecture founded by the Will of Lady Sadler the Widdow of Dr Croone; and said that the Charges arising from the Law - suit concerning the House left, four fifths to the College of Physicians, and one fifth to the Royal Society, being now cleared from the Rents and Profits received; the lecture was accordingly going forward under the care of Dr Stuart. And for a better direction in the management of this Lecture, such parts of the Will and of the Decree on the Law - suit relating thereunto, were read. And by reason that Bodies may be wanting in the Course of the Lecture, Doctor Mortimer acquainted the Council that he had waited on one of the Sheriffs of the City of London, to apprize him of the Society's Right by their Charter to have a Body from the Gallows at every Execution ; and informed him that they were now resolved to make demand thereof, as occasion required. Whereupon the Sheriff advised him to lodge a Copy of that part of the Charter relating thereunto with the City Officers, that they might be enabled to comply therewith.
Mr Zollman's Salary of twenty Pounds per annum, the Interest of Mr Keck's Legacy, due at last St Andrew's Day, was put to the Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Some Discourse arising upon this Appointment, it was ordered that a Copy of such part of Mr Keck's Will as related to it, should be produced against next Monday.
Mr Hauksbee's Salary of fifty Pounds was put to the Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
A Bill of Mr Theobald for fire-wood of £2.5.0. was agreed by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
A Letter from Dr Desaguliers, dated January 11 containing an account of the Experiment made before the Society, was read. Whereupon a Gratuity of ten Guinea's was put to the Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Dr Stack's Bill of £19.2.6. was agreed to be Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Mr Gouge the Painter's Bill for making the Tables of Benefactors, amounting to £8.15.7. was agreed by Ballot and ordered to be paid.
It being represented that Captain Walker, who is now going abroad, desired a Sett of Willughby's Cutts of Fishes, the same was granted.
Dr Mortimer was desired to examine what number of Copies are now remaining of Willughby's Book of Fishes : and to report the same to the next Council.
Dr Pearce desired the Loan of two Manuscript Copies out of the Library, conatianing Tully's Offices and other pieces, No 382 and No 171 : which was granted, he giving a Bond for each as usual.
The President took occasion to speak concern[ing] the Manuscript Papers in the Custody of the Society, and of the value of many of them which remain unprinted : and said it was his opinion that it would be a very usefull Work to have them put into such a Dress as to be fit to appear in print more complete and at large than they are in the Transactions : and he was pleased to say that the two Secretaries, Mr Eames and Dr Stack were proper persons to consider in what way such a Work might be done. ' |