Description | Present at a Council, The President, Sir James Lowther, Mr Foles, Mr Collinson, Mr Rand, Mr Jones, Mr Eames, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin
Dr Mortimer reported, that the printed Copies of the Books in the Custody of the Society to be disposed of, had been collated and packed up by Mr Lewis, and appeared to be as follow: 60 Copies of the Opera posthumuma Malpighii, 38 of Wallis's Algebra, 125 of Willughby with three damaged, 52 of Ray's Insects, 41 of Baker's Equations, and 5 of Collins's Commercium epistolicum compleat, with one wanting one Sheet and half.
The following form of an Imprimatur by the President for the Sadlerian Lectures read by Dr Stuart, was offered and approved. " At a Meeting of the Council of the Royal Socirety , November 12 : 1739. These Lectures on Muscular Motion by Alexander Stuart M.D. having been according to the Will of Lady Sadler communicated before hand to me, and approved ; and afterwards read at several Meetings of this Society, for which he received their Thanks : I do direct the same to be printed."
The Sum of sixty Pounds to each of the two Secretaries for their Services for the present Year ending November 30 . 1739. was put to the Ballot, agreed to, and ordered to be paid.
The Sum of twenty Pounds for Mr Zollman's Salary for the present Year was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid. As also Mr Hauksbee's Salary of fifty Pounds for the Year ending October 11 : 1739.
The three Auditors to be joined with the President and one of the Secretaries to make a Committee for auditing the Treasurer's Accompts on the part of the Council for the present year were proposed to be Mr Folkes, Mr Eames and Mr Hadley : who being severally put to the Ballot were elected.
It was moved in favour of Mr Maitland that in consideration of his Services to the Society, and as he was now about to quit the Town ; he might for the future be excused from payment of Contributions : which was accordingly agreed to by Ballot.
Mr Collinson moved, that he might have liberty to take up his Bond, and be excused from future Contributions, upon the payment of so much as to make up his former Payments to the Sum of twenty-five Pounds : which was agreed to be Ballot.
It was proposed and agreed to, that the Medal for the annual Prize should be struck according to the Draught laid before the Council, and that it should be made as near as could be to the value of five Pounds. ' |