Description | ' Present at a Council, The President, Lord Stanhope, Mr Folkes, Mr West, Mr Collinson, Mr Rand, Mr Mitchell, Mr Hamilton, Mr Wollaston, Mr Hadley, Mr Sloane, Mr Theobald, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin.
Mr Mitchell and Mr Theobald were each sworn as Members of the Council.
Mr Treasurer West spoke concerning the present State of the Society's affairs with regard to their Revenues, and represented that the Charges and Expences had of late exceeded the Income, and thereby incumbered the Society with several Debts : so that it is now became necessary to consider of some speedy Remedy to recover the Society out of its present evil State, and also to think of some proper Course to be taken for the better Security and Support thereof for the future. And he said that whereas many Debts are owing to the Society as well from living Members as from Executors of those that are deceased ; and as the Consideration thereof seemed to be the first Step that could be taken in order to this end : he did therefore take occasion to lay before them the List of Arrears that are due for Contribution.
Which List being perused and considered:
It was ordered, that a Committee be appointed to inspect the Council Books, to examine the State of the Arrears : and that the Gentlemen present at this Council, or any three of them do make a Committee.
Ordered that the Committee do sit, for their first Meeting, on Monday next at ten in the morning : and that Mr Hauksbee do issue a Summons accordingly. ' |