Description | List of such of the present Members of the Society, as have been either Benefactors to the same, or have paid at their Admission in lieu of their Bond the whole Sum of twenty Pounds over and above their Admission Fee, or had had their Bonds delivered up on their having paid to the Use of the Society the several Sums directed by the Order of Council of the third of February 1729, or have been any ways excused from Payments to the Society, by special Orders of the Council for that purpose : all which persons are not, as we apprehend, chargeable with any Demand for Contributions due to the Society. And to this List we have also subjoined the names of such persons as have been discharged from Payments by any temporary Order of Council yet unrepealed, and who are not therefor, as we conceive, untill such Order may be repealed, chargeable with any Demand for Contributions due to the Society.
List one - Benefactors - Compounded and Exempted
The President Sir Hans Sloane Bart. James Earl of Abercorn; Joseph Andrews Esq; General Armstrong; Charles Lord Baltimore; John Bamber MD; Joseph Banks Esq; Thomas Bates Esq; Mr Henry Beighton; Mr Silvanus Bevan; Thomas Birch MA; William Bogdani Esq; James Bradley MA; Owen Brigstock Esq; Francis Duke of Buccleugh; James Burrow Esq; William Byrd Esq;
Charles Lord Cadogan; William Carre Esq; Mr Mark Catesby; Lord James Cavendish; James Duke fo Chandos; Stephen Chase MD; Samuel Clarke Esq; Henry Lord Colerane; Mr Peter Collinson; Mr John Colson; Caleb Cotesworth MD; Samuel Cruwys Esq;
Joseph Danvers Esq; Charles De la Faye Esq; John Theoph. Desaguliers LLD; Ambrose Dickens Esq; William Dixon Esq; Mr John Douglas; Mr William Dugood;
Mr John Eames; Sir James Edwards Bart; John Earl of Egmont; Mr John Ellicot; Anthony Ellys DD; Sir John Evelyn Bart;
Martin Folkes Esq; Sir John Fortescue Aland Knight; William Freman Esq; John Fuller Esq; John Fuller junior Esq;
Roger Gale Esq; Phillips Glover Esq; Mr George Graham; Richard Graham Esq; Brigadier John Guise;
John Hadley Esq; George Hadley Esq; Stephen Hales DD; Fayrer Hall Esq; Edmund Halley LL.D; William Hanbury Esq; Richard Hassel Esq; George Heathcote Esq; Thomas Hill Esq; Benjamin Hoadley MD; Edward Hody MD; Benjamin Holloway LL.D; Robert Hucks Esq;
Theodore Jacobsen Esq; John Jeffreys Esq; William Jones Esq; James Jurin MD;
Abel Ketelbey Esq; Robert Ketelbey Esq;
Mr Colin Mc Laurin; Smart Lethieullier Esq; Ralph Leycester Esq; Sir James Lowther Bart; Richard Lucas MA; Sir Berkeley Lucy Bart;
Mr John Machin; George Earl of Macclesfield; Mr William Maitland; Mr Peter Des Maizeaux; Sir Richard Manningham knight; Mr John Martyn; Richard Myddelton Massey MD; William Mathew Esq; Richard Mead MD; Samuel Mead Esq; Mr Christopher Middleton; Andrew Mitchell Esq; Mr Abraham de Moivre; Cromwell Mortimer MD; Richard Lord Molesworth; John Duke of Montagu; Robert Nesbitt MD;
Robert Ord Esq; Edward Earl of Oxford; David Papillion Esq; Robert Paul Esq; Edward Earl of Oxford;
David Papillon Esq; Robert Paul Esq; Edward Pawlet Esq; Zachary Pearce DD; Thomas Pellet MD; Robert Lord Petre; Sir Erasmus Phillips Bart; Henry Plumptre MD; Richard Poley Esq; William Duke of Portland;
Mr Isaac Rand; Richard Rawlinson LLD; Charles Duke of Richmond; John Robartes Esq; Tancred Robinson MD; Edward Rudge Esq;
Oliver St. John Esq; Samuel Sanders Esq; Alexander Sandilands MD; Sir George Savile Bart; Mr John Senex; Thomas Shaw DD; William Sloane Esq; Robert Smith LL.D; Thomas Stack MD; Charles Stanhope Esq; Philip Earl of Stanhope; Sir John Stanley Bart; Alexander Stuart MD; William Stukeley MD;
Charles Taylor Esq; George Lewis Teissier MD; William Tempest Esq; James Theobald Esq; John Thorpe MD; Thomas Lord Trever; Samuel Tuffnel Esq; John Lord Viscount Tyrconnel;
Thomas Walker LL.D; Mr John Ward; Lewis Way Esq; James West Esq; Granville Wheler MA; John White Esq; Taylor White Esq; Thomas White Esq; Moses Williams MA; Edward Wilmot MD: John Winthrop Esq; Francis Wollaston Esq; Thomas Woodford Esq; Daniel WrayEsq; Christopher Wren Esq
The Persons excused for the present by Order of the Council are: William Cheselden Esq James Douglas M.D. |