Description | Secondly, a List of such of the present Members of the Society, whose names have been printed in the List of the Society, by virtue of the Statute Chap. VI. Art. 9 : although they have not yet been regularly admitted, or have not given Bond to the Society : and who, as we apprehend, are also on that account not chargeable with any Arrears of Contributions due to the same. And to this List we have further added the names of some other persons, who have not, as it appears, given any Bonds : though we are ignorant of the Reasons why such Bonds were not by them given.
' Edward Barry Esq; Jonathan Blackwell Esq; Mr Zabdiel Boylston;
Andrew Cantwell MD; George Cheyne MD; Mr Benjamin Cooke; John James Dillenius MD; Paul Dudley Esq; Mr Nicholas Facio de Duillier; Henry Colepeper Fairfax Esw; Mr Moreton Gilks; Edward Garrington MD; John Huxham MD; Gilbert Kennedy MD; Me Alexander Monro; Hames Duke of Montrose; William Oliver MD; George Lord Rea; Richard Richardson MD; Joseph Rogers MD; John-Philip Seip MD; Robert Shippen DD; Edward Smith MD; Rpbert Taylor MD; Frideric de Thoms Esq; John Duke of Robburgh. No Bond: but paid from June 1707 to December 25th 1709 ' |