
TitleThe third List referred to in the annexed Report
Date14 January 1741
DescriptionFrom minutes of the meeting:

"List of all such present Members of the Society, as are, we apprehend, still chargeable with their Contributions to the same; and to whose several names we have annexed the times of their respective Admissions. the times to which they have paid their said Contributions : with the several Sums to which the same have amounted, as also the several Sums respectively due from them as Arrears, made up to the 25th day of December now last past, and which we look upon as the whole Demand of the Society upon any of their Members now living, for Contributions due to the Society. Concerning which Arrears also your Committee take the Liberty humbly to recommend to You, in the Orders you shall please to give for the getting in the same, to take into your Consideration the Case of some Gentlemen who through Misfortune or otherwise may seem intitled to some Tendernesse from the Society : the Case of some few others, who though now in Arrears have formerly contributed Sums much larger that what are mentioned in the Terms offered by the Order of Councill of the third of February 1729, though they neglected taking the benefit of the same : and lastly the Case of some others who may be willing to pay, but may expect some Abatement on account of Services done to the Society, or who may desire an Indulgence, formerly shewn to such as have been for any considerable time absent beyond the Seas."

Divided into colums for name, Date Admitted, Paid to, Amounting to, Arrears, Comments
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