Description | 'Present at at Council held at the President's house, Bloomsbury. The President, Mr West, Mr Folkes, Sir James Lowther, Mr Hanilton, Me Wollaston, Mr Theobald, Mr Rand, Mr Mitchell, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin
The affair fo the arrears beint taken into Consideration, a Question was put, and it was agreed to be Ballot: that such Gentlemen as have been abroad in foreign Parts, shall have an allowince made to them of one moiety of the Arrears for their Contributions that accrued during the time of their residence abroad.
It was put to the Ballot and agreed, that Sir Joseph Ayloffe Bart shall have liberty to take up his Bond, and be discharged from Contributions upon the immediate payment of the Sum of £26.12.0
It was likewise agreed by Ballot, that Dr Hickman and Dr Hutton have leave to take up their several Bonds, and be discharged from Contributions upon the immediate payment of "26.12.0
Agreed to by Ballot, that Mr Hamilton have leave to take up his Bond, and be dis charged from Contributions, upon making up his former payments, exclusive of the admission Fee, to the Sum of £25
A Question being put, it was agtreed to be Ballot, that Dr Atwell, Mr Degge, Dr Vernon and Mr More, shall severally hae liberty to be discharged from their Contributions, upon the same terms of advantage, according to their several Cases, as they would have been intitled to by the Orders of the 3rd February 1729, had they been still in Force.
It was agreed by Ballot, that Doctor Lobb, in consideration of his past Services, shall be excused from the payment of all his Arrears, due to the 30th November 1740 : on condition that he consider himself as engaged to make good his payments for the future.
It was agreee likewis by Ballot, that Dr Greeme and Mr Stone shall in like manner be excused for all their Arrears due to the 30th of November 1740 : on condition that they madke good their payments for tye future, so long as they think fit to continue in the Society.
It was moved, that Mr Trevor might have liberty to take-up his Bond, in consideration that not knowing the terms upon which a Discharge of Contribution had been frequently granted to others, he had already made up his payment, to a greatere Sum than has in such Cases been required. Which being pu to the Ballot, it was agreed to.
Mr Huksbee reported, that in pursuance to the directios of the Council on January 14 . 1746/7 he had issued circulatory Letters to the several members in Arrear, who were not Peers, bearing date the 7th of February 1746/7. And that in consiequence thereof several had already paid and some promised to pay as soon as they came to Town, or to the Society. The Lists of both which he shewed. But he said that Mr Chambers's Executor had offered a Composition of twelve or thirteen Pounds in lieu of the arrears due from him, being all that he could engage to pay, in consideration of the affairs being incumbered : and he desired to be directed in the answer he was to return thereto.
Whereupon a Question was put to the Ballot, and agreed to in the affirmative, that the Council would accept of the Sum of thirteen Pounds from Mr Chambers's Executor, in full payment of the arrears due from him, upon the consideration of the incumbrances of his affairs.
And Mr Hauksbee was ordered to acquaint the Executor, that he might have up the Bond upon the payment of the said Sum.
He then delivered in a list of ther Members in arrear, who have returned no answer to the Letters : which was read over as follows : viz : Dr Robert Bankes, John Belchier, Sir William Billers, John Byrom, George Campbell, Dr de Castro, Francis Drake, Kingsmill Eyre, William Fellows, John Freke, Philip Miller, Dr Nicholls, Edward Nourse, John Ranby, Benjamin Robins, Sir Thomas Robinson, Peter Sainthill and Sir Marmaduke Wyvill
Whereupon it wqas ordered, that a List be made out by Mr Hauksbee of the names of the several Membrs abovementioned, with the Sums against them dur for Arears at Novembr 30 1740 : and that the same be given to the Solicitor Mr James Tyler, with directions to write to each of them forthwith, signifying how much the Demand is, and that the Society do expect an immediate payment of the same.
And it was further ordered, that Mr Haauksbee write to the Noblemen in arrear, a Letter in the following Terms: " My Lord, By Order of the Council of the Royal Soc8iety, I am directed to acquaint your Lordship that your Arrears for Contributions at the 25th day of March 1741 amounted to .......... which they pray your Lordship to pay, on the Treasurer's Receipt, to Your Lordship's most humble Servant F Hauksbee Clerk of the Royal Society "
It was agreed to be Ballot and ordered, that Dr Stuart, in consideration of his Croonean Letures read to the Society, shall have the Sum of £7.10.0 paid to him. The President also appointed Ssir Godfrey Copley's annual Donation of £5 to be paid him as a further addition, for his Services to the Society in the care and pains he had taken therein.
Agreed by Ballot and ordered, that Dr Desaguliers by paid the Sum of ten guineas for his last year's Service ending at November 30th 1740.
A Bill of Doctor Stack for ..... £3.10.0 A Bill of Mr Theobald for firewood for £3.19.0 and a Bill of Mr Hauksbee for £28.14.6 were put to the Ballot and ordered to be paid.
MrGwyn's Bill amounting to .....£20.19.2 1/2 was also agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
It was also agreed by Ballot and ordered, that the Sum of fifty pounds should be advanced and paid to Mr Gwyn in part, on account for Repairs, the Bill of which is not yet delivered.
Agreed and ordered that the Sum of thirty Pounds by paid to Dr Mortimer on account for the current Year's Serevice. '