Description | Present at the meeting: the President in the chair; Mr Baker; Dr Parsons; Mr Short; Dr Watson; Dr Birch, Secretary
Minutes of last meeting on 12 August read
Committee of the Council reported the result of their Visitation of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich on 18 August, including that the Observatory itself and the house adjoining are very much iin need of repair. Resolved to recommend to the Board of Ordnance to make the necessary repairs, including a stone floor in Mr Flamstead's Sextant room, and a circular versatile roof, for the reception of the 40 inch moveable Quadrant now in the great room. Confirmed the £1000 from his late Majesty for the instruments laid out by Dr Bradley late Astronomer Royal are in good order and are listed in a schedule by the present Astronomer Royal, Professor Bliss, except for a small thermomenter broken by accident. Report on this listed in detail in Appendix at end of the minutes. Resolved the Resolutions be sent to the Board of Ordnance and the Commisioners of the Navy.
Committee to be thanked for their Visitation.
Ordered; 1. Mr Kirkby, the Society's Solicitor to contact the executors of the late Charles Freake MD, Richard Russell MD, William Windham of Felbrigg Esq and John Sawbridge Esq to recover their arrears for annual payments to the Society 2. Mr Hauksbee to present list of Members more than two years in arrears 3. Mr Short to be paid his bill of £5 4. Mr Hornsby to have leave to withdraw his letter to Professor Bliss relating to the Transit of Venus.
Appendix - report on Greenwich visit