
TitleMinutes of a meeting of the Royal Society Council
Date11 January 1962
DescriptionSigned minutes of the Council of the Royal Society

Present: Sir Howard Florey, President; Mr F C Bawden; Sir Lindor Brown, Secretary; Mr E J H Corner; Lord Fleck, Treasurer; Professor J E Harris; Sir Harold Himsworth; Sir Willliam Hodge, Secretary; Professor A F Huxley; Sir Christopher Ingold; Sir Patrick Linstead, Foreiogn Secretary; Professor W T J Morgan; Professor C F Powell; Professor O A Saunders; Dr C J Stubblefield; Sir Gordon Sutherland; Sir Graham Sutton; Dr H W Thompson; Professor A G Walker

1. Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 1961 were confirmed. Appendix B to the minujtes of the meeting held on 30 November 1961 was laid before the Copuncil.

2. Deaths

3. Report by Dr J A Clegg

4. South indian Ocean Expedition

5. Biographical Memoir [for Mr M A C Hinton]

6. Academia Sinica Peking

7. Amendment of Sttutes

8. Lectures [Suggested names for appointment of Croonian, Balerian, Ferrier and Leeuwenhoek Lecturesrs for 1962 ]

9. Candidates for the Fellowship

10. Travelling Expensses

11. Jaffe Reserach Fellowship

12. Embopssed Scientific Books Fund

13. International Geophysical Year

14. Emigration of British Scientists

15. Bequests

16. Birmingham College of Advanced Technology

17. Imperial Cancer Research Fund

18. Reports of Commmittees:
1. Biological Expeditions Committee
ii. Medical Sciences Committee
iii. North Borneo Expeditions Committee
iv. Committee on Scientific Information
v. Smithson Research Fellowship Committee
vi. National Commimttee for Antarctic Research
The report of the meeting held on 5 December 1961 was laid before Council.
Reported - That the International Council of Scientific Unions Scecial Committee (SCAR) was now known as the Scientific Committee on An tarctic REsearch.
Recommended - That because of the need for SCAR to double its income, the United Kingdom contribution be increased from 1963 according to the recommendation of the SCVAR Finance Committee to $1186 [one thousand one hundred and eighty six dollars] per annum and that a voluntary incresed contributio9n for 1962 be made as requested by SCAR in order that the expected 1962 deficit be kept to a minimum.
Resolved - Tha the reort of the Committee be received and the recommendatino approved.subjecgt to the necessary provision being made by H M Treasury in 1962-1963.
vii. National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics

19. Sealing

20. Bills for Payment

Signed by Howard Fl;orey 8 February 1962

Includes; Appendix, listing applications for grants for travelling expenses (a) grants to be made from the Scientific Congresses Grant - in - aid and (b) Grants from the Royal Society Travel Fund for Non-Fellows
(c) No grants proposed (d) Applicaton withdrawn.
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