Description | Signed minutes of the Council of the Royal Society
Present: Sir Howard Florey, President; Mr F C Bawden; Sir Lindor Brown, Secretary; Mr E J H Corner; Lord Fleck, Treasurer; Professor J E Harris; Sir Harold Himsworth; Sir Willliam Hodge, Secretary; Professor A F Huxley; Sir Christopher Ingold; Sir Patrick Linstead, Foreiogn Secretary; Professor W T J Morgan; Professor C F Powell; Professor O A Saunders; Dr C J Stubblefield; Sir Gordon Sutherland; Sir Graham Sutton; Dr H W Thompson; Professor C H Waddinton; Professor A G Walker; Professor F C Williams The Assistant Secretary attended.
1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting hbeld on 11 January 1962 wefre confirmed
2. Sir Geoffrey Taylor [Grant from Jaffe Fund]
3. Wolfson Fund
4. Bulgarian Academies
5. Indian Science Congress
6. Royal Swedish Academy of Science
7. Antarctic Research NAtional Committee
8. Biophysics Committee
9. Biographical Memoir With reference to minute 2 of 30 November 1961 reported that Professor E E Turner had consented to prepare a biogrphical memoir of Dr J Kenyon
10. Biological Research Committee
11. Accommodation [of the Royal Society in Carlton House Terrace]
12. Committees
13. Naples Zoological Station
14. AAmendment of Statutes
15. Candidates for the Fellowship
16. Marine Biological Associations
17. Discussion Meeting
18. Space Research Resolved - That, as recommended by the Physical Society, a grant of £11-18 -0d from the space research grant to the Royl Society for the expenses of the Chairman of the National Committee for Space Research, be made to Sir Harrie Massey for expenses in travelling from New York to Washington to visit United Kingdom workers on the first Scout satellite.
19. Malpighi Manuscripts Considered a request form the Oxford University press for the loan of the Malpighi manuscripts for use in illustrating a book by Adelmann entitled 'Marcelo Malpighi and the evolution of embryology'. Resolved - That, as recommended by the Officers, the request be granted provided that the manuscripts were looked after by thye Bodleian Library (subject to the l ibrarian there being agreeable) and to all expenses, includinmg insuirance for £30,000, being paid by the press and subject to the manuscripts being photographed before leaving the Royal Society's apartments.
20. Wolfson Research Professor [Application approved from Professor Dorothy Hodgkin to spend time in Accra]
21. Warren Committee
22. Polish Exchange Agreement Considered proposals for an agreement with the Polish /Academy of Sciences for the exchange of one Academician and one Fellow of the Royal Society each year, to lecture and visit institutions in the host country for two to three weeks, all fares adn expenses in the host country being paid by the hosts, the host selecting the topics of lectures and the sending country choosiing the person to be sent. Resolved - That the proposals be approved with provision for the estimated annual cost of up to £300 to be made from the Studd Fund and theat consideration of the subject for the first lecturer from Poland be deferred to a later meeting of t he Council.
23. Representatives visits overseas.
24. Reports of Committees and Boards i. Government Grant Boards ii. Biological Expediktions Committee iii. Medical Sciences Research Committee iv. Scientific Research in Schools committee v. Smithson Research Fund Committee vi. National Committee for Co-operation in Geophysics vii. National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics viii. National Committee for Geology ix. National Committee for Space Research
25. Sealing
26. Bills for payment.
Signedf by Howard Florey on 1 March 1962
Includes; Appendix A - Number of Fellows to be Elected Annually [includes list of candidates elected annually from 1848 to 1930; 1931 to 1937; 1938 to 19454; from 1946 to date]
Appendix B - Government Grant for Scientific Investigation [includes thos e candidates recommended by the various boards] |