Description | Signed minutes of the Council of the Royal Society
Present: Sir Howard Florey, President; Mr F C Bawden; Sir Lindor Brown, Secretary; Mr E J H Corner; Lord Fleck, Treasurer; Sir Willliam Hodge, Secretary; Sir Patrick Linstead, Foreign Secretary; Professor W T J Morgan; Professor C F Powell; Professor O A Saunders; Dr C J Stubblefield; Sir Graham Sutton; Dr H W Thompson; Professor A G Walker; Professor F C Williams The Assistant Secretary attended.
1. Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 1962 were confirmed
2. Professor D M S Watson
3. South Africans and the Fellowship
4. Indian Science Congress
5. Scientific Investigations Grant - in - aid
6. Emigration of British Scientists
7. Amendment of Statutes With reference to minute 14 of 8 February 1962, reported that at a Special General Meeting of the Society held on 15 March 1962 the proposals for the amendment of the Statutes to read as indicated in minute 7 of 11 January 1962 had been adoted. Resolved - That the amenmendt of the Statutes to read as indicated in ??Minute 7 of 11 January 1962 be finally approved and that the amendments be ordered to be be ordered in the Statue Book of the Society.
8. Henry Dale Research Fellowships
9. Candidates for the Fellowship
10. Statute 12
11. Foreign MEmbership
12. Annual contribution
13. Hooke Committee
14. Travelling Expenses
15. Workld Power Conference
16. International Library Bulletin
17. Foulerton Research Fellow
18. Jaffe Research Student
19. Agricultural Research Council
20. Isaac Newton Observatory
21. National Physical Laboratory
22. Scientific Grants - in aid
23. Academie Nationale des Sciences Belles Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux
24. Manned Space Flight Reported that the President on 22 February 1962 had sent the following cable to Dr D W Bronk, President, Natinal Academy of Sciences, Washington; ' Delighted at success of Colonel Glenn's flight and send congratulations to all concerned with this fine scientific and technological achievement.'
25. Loan Reported the deposit by Captain A K Totton, of teh British Museum (Natural History), with t he Ropyal society on long loan of the correspondence of James Jurin (FRS, 1717) consisting of approximately 200 letters written by and to him.
26. Admission of New Fellows
27. Reports of Committees i. Browne ?Research Fund Committee ii. Finance Committee iii. John Murray Studentship Committee iv. Rutherford MEmorial Committee v. Scientific RFelief committee vi. Soiree Committee vii. Southern Zone Expeditioins Committee viii. Committee on University Computer Needs x. Royal Society and Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Committee [Commonwealth Bursaries Committee] xi. National Committee for Astronomy [Astronomy National Committee] xii. National Committee for Crystallography [Crystallography National Committee] xiii. National Committee for Geodesics and Geophysics [Geodesy NAtional committee] xiv. National Commimttee for Geography [Geography natinal Commmittee] xv. National Committee for Space Research [Space Research National Committee]
28. Sealing
29. Bills for payment
Signed by Howard Florey on 17 May 1962
Includes Appendix A - Fellow's Annual Contributrions . Memorandum by the Treasurer