Description | Present at the meeting: the President in the chair; Dr Adee; James Burrow Esq; John Campbell Esq; Lord Charles Cavendish; Andrew Coltee Ducarel LLD; Peter Holford Esq; Dr Knight; Mr Maskelyne; Dr Munckley; Samuel Wegg Esq; Dr Maty Secretary
Minutes of last meeting read
Letter of Attorney to accept the annuities transferred by Mr Denne to be acquired
Medal presented by the King of Poland to the Society deposited into strong box and President's key to mr Burrow
Ordered that Reverend Mr Denne be asked to preach the Anniversary Sermon this year in consewuence of the late Archdeacon Denne's donation
' Ordered that the Astronomer Royal be desired to have an exact account of the Scantlings of the several parts of the Observatory, and the tonnage of the whole made out and delivered to the Secretary of the Hudson' Bay Company on, or before, Wednesday sennight, and as it is proposed that Captain Richards, Commander of the Prince Rupert in the Company's service, together with together with Mr Wales, are to view teh Observatory building at Greenwich, that the Astronomer Royal be desired to settle a time for them to be present on this occasion; and to consider with them and Mr Ashworth the number of tools, quantity of pitch, and other materials, that may be necessary for erecting the Observatory, and keeping the same in proper repair during the winter; and that the Astronomer Royal be likewise desired to procure such materials as will be judged, by them, necessary, and that he afterwards report what he shall have done to the Council.
Resolved. That the Instruments for the use of the Observers at Hudson's Bay be the following; 1. Mr Ellicot's clocks 2. Two Telescopes from Mr Short, one with Dollond's Micrometer; and the moveable wires for the other 3. A stand for each Telescope with a brass polar socket suited to the Lat. 58 degrees, 56' by Mr Short 4. A Journeyman clock from Mr Shelton 5. An Alarum clock, now with Mr Ellicot 6. A Barometer, bespoke of Mr Ramsden 7. Two Thermometers, graduated to below 130 degrees below the freezing point of a Farenheit from Mr Bird 8. An Astronomical Quadrant of one foot radius, bespoke of Mr Bird 9. A Variation Compass from the house of the Society 10. One Hadley's Quadrant, bespoke of Mr Bird.
Ordered that Mr Ellicot, Mr Short, Mr Bird, Mr Ramsden and Mr Shelton be desired to have the several Instruments above specified, which they are to provide or repair, completely fitted by the 15 of April with their Cases. Ordered. That Mr Sisson be desired to remove the Society's Sector at Montagu house, to clean it, and pack it up in its Case; and acquaint the Council when he has done. '