Description | ' Present; James Burrow Esq Vice President; Me Belchier; Me Collinson; Mr Mauduut; Dr Birch and Dr Morton secretaries
The minutes of the last Council, viz 14 July 1763 were read.
The Consideration of the Report from the Society, relative to the Observations etc of the Royal Observatory, was postponed to a fuller meeting.
Mr Burrow reported a Letter he had received from Mr Ibotson Clerk to the Board of Longitude; wherein the Commissioners desired to borrow a good Clock from the Society, for the observation ordered to be made in the Island of Barbadoes, relative to Mr John Harrison's watch,; the Board of Longitude promising to be Answeerable to the Society, for the safe return of their Clock.
A Letter from Neville Maskelybe MA FRS who is Appointed to direct the said Observations, was also read: In which Mr MAskelyne specifies the Clock made by Mr Shelton for the Society, as that which he desires may be sent with him, for the Observations aforesaid. Mr Maskelyne also requests the use of the Society's two Alarums, and their dipping Needle.
Resolved, that the several requests aforesaid, be granted. ' |