Description | ' Present; James West Esq Vice President; Mr Baker; Mr Belchier; Mr Burrow; Mr Collinson; Mr Mauduit; Mr Mead; Mr Newcome; Mr Wegg; Mr Wilson; Dr Birch and Dr Morton Secretaries
The Minutes of the last Council viz 18 August 1763 were read.
Ordered that Peter Poussell Esq have such volumes of the Transactions delivered to him, as he has not yet received.
The Treasurer James West Esq reported the state of the Society's Cash viz Cash in the Treasdurer's hands .....£117 ; 4 ; 7 3/4 Bills ordered by Council Mr Bowyer ...................................£38 ; 6 ; 0 Mr Mynde ....................................£19 ; 18 ; 0 Messr Johnson and Unwin .....£93 ; 19 ; 0 £162 ; 3 ; 0 £117 ; 4 ; 7 3/4 ------------------ £44 ; 18 ; 4 3/4
Exclusive of yearly bills, Annual Salaries and other payments to be directed very soon.
Whereupon it was ordered, that £500 Capital Stock be sold out, for the use of the Society: and that a Letter of Attorney be prepared for that purpose; and that the Seal of the Society be affixed to it at the next Council.
It was moved by Mr Collinson, and seconded by Mr Baker, and ordered by Ballot unanimously, that the sum of twenty guineas be given to Mr da Costa as a reward for his extraordinary trouble about the Repository; and that the sum of five guuneas be likewise paid to the Porter.
The Consideration of the Report from the Society, relative to the Observationsetc of teh Royal Observatory, was postponed to a fuller meeting. ' |