Description | Present at the meeting; the President in the chair; Sir Joseph Ayloffe Bart; Mr John Belchier; Lord Charles Cavendish; Honourable Henry Cavendish; Gavin Knight MB; Nevil Maskelyne BD; Matthew Maty MD Secretary; Charles Morton MD Secretary; James Parsons MD; Dr Watson; Samuel Wegg Esq; Daniel Wray Esq
Balloted and resolved, that a draft of a clause concerning foreign members agreed at the last meeting, should now pass into law, 'provided always, that this Regulation shall not extend to foreign Princes, or their Sons; nor to such foreigners who being at the time resident, or who shall have been resident for the space of six months, in Great Britain, shall desire to be elected into the Society, in the same manner, and upon the same conditions with the Domestick members; paying their Admission fee and Composition money. '
Ordered; 1. Mr Robertson to write to all members in arrears for two years requesting payment or have the matter put into the hands of the Society's sollicitors 2. Mr Robertson to demand in writing payment of contributions from every member one year in arrears 3. Mr Lister's bill for printing part of the Observations at Greenwich certified to the Board of Ordnance [transcript listed in minutes] 4. Bill of 11 guineas from P C Canot engraver, be paid 5. Society's engine to be examined by a workman at least once a year 6. Stack of chimneys over the Hall to be immediately inspected and repaired 7. Lodging rooms in upper story to be repaired and their white walls covered with ' stained paper' 8. That the Astronomer Royal put in hand the acquisition of the Instruments needed for the observation in Ireland 9. Mr Charles Mason to have £100 for his observations of the transit, his maintenance and expences in Ireland; and a further 20 guineas for his return journey to the station, where he is to remain from 8 March next to 8 of July following. Agreed on his behalf by Astronomer Royal 10. That ' the 5 foot brass rod used by Messrs Mason and Dixon in measuring a degree in North America be sent to Mr Bird's together with the Royal Society's brass standard Yard, in order that he may compare the one with the other; and afterwards communicate the result to the Council. And that Mr Bird give his note for the safe return of the said Rod and Standard. ' |