Description | Present: Sir George Porter, President; Professor R E D Bishop; Dr L M Brown; Professor E C Cocking; Professor A W Cuthbert; Sir Roger Elliott, Secretary; Professor M A Epstein, Foreigh Secretary; Professor B K Follett, Secretary; Professor J L Harper; Professor R W K Honeycombe, Treasurer; Professor T W B Kibble; Professor L G Macdonald; Professor K Murray; Sir Stanley Peart; Professor S V Perry; Professor F H Read; Professor F G A Stone
Sir Francis Graham-Smith attended by invitation
The Executive Secretary attended
1. Minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 1988 were confirmned, subject to the following amendment; 'Page 748, minute 62, third line. Delete 'as reported in Aggendix G''
Appointments and Nominatins 2. Deaths and Biographical Memoirs 3. Auditors (Honorary) 4. Committee membership
5. Council 1988-89 With reference to minute 4 of 14 July 1988, Council proceeded by ballot to nominate the Fellows to be recommended to the Society at the Anniversary Meeting on 30 November 1988 for election as members of the Council for the ensuing year, and to nominate thos to be recommended for election to the offices of President, Treasurer, Secretaries and Foreign Secretary [names listed] 6. Representation on outside bodies
National Affairs 7. COPUS (Committee on the Public Understanding of Science) 8. Dangerous substances in water (Red List: submission 9. EPA Cepphalosporin Fund 10. Human Fetuses (review of guidelines) submission 11. Industrial Fellowship 12. Mr P H Sterling taken up his appointment again on 1 October 1988 after it had been held in suspense for a year owing to his ill health 13. National Curriculum 14. Parsons Memorial Lecture 14. Remote sensing and education 16. Research Fellows treavel grants 17. Royal Society Research Professors 18. Royal Society University Research Fellkowships (scheme established 1983) 19. Science curriculum (16-19) and its assessment 20. Senior Research Fellow Support Grant [to Dr C W Lloyd, Senior Research Fellow in the Biological Sciences] 21. Teacher Supply 22. Browne, Hill and Murray Committee 23. Engineering Education Joint Committee 24. Ordnance Survey Scientific Committee 25. Paul Instrument Fund Committee
Royal Society Domestic Affairs 26. Annual Report of Council 1988 27. Bills for payment 28. Publications: Policy ('Proceedings' and 'Philosophical Transactions') 29. Sealing 30. Small payments 31. Standing Order 13: amendments 32. Statute 60 amendment 33. Finance Committee 34. Soiree Committee
International Affairs 35. Australian Bicentennial: Sir Joseph Banks Memorial Lecture 36. Belgian Royal academy of MEdicine: 50th Anniversary 37. Florey Lecture 38. Guest Research Fellowship 39. Japan 40. Rutherford Scholars 41. Rutherford Memorial Committee 42. Antarctic Research National Committee 43. Data for Science and Technology National Committee 44. Geography National Committee 45. ICSU (International Council of Scientific UNions) National Committee 46. IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) National Committee 47. Oceanic Research National Committee 48. Physiological Sciences Committee 49. Solar Terrestrial National Physics Committee 50. Space Research National Committee 51. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics National Committee 52. Panel A of the International Exchanges Committee 53. Resolved - That the action by the Foreign Secretary or acting on his behalf by the Executive Secretary on the Assistant Secretary (International Affairs) as reported in Appendix E, be confirmed 54. Resolved - That the action by the Foreign Secretary or acting on his behalf by the Executive Secretary on the Assistant Secretary (International Affairs) as reported in Appendix F, be confirmed 55. Resolved - That the action by the Foreign Secretary or acting on his behalf by the Executive Secretary on the Assistant Secretary (International Affairs) as reported in Appendix G, be confirmed 56. a. Noted the details of grants/exchanges, already approved by Council on 14 July 1988 (minute 62) as shown iin Appendix H to these minutes b. Resolved - That the action by the Foreign Secretary or acting on his behalf by the Executive Secretary on the Assistant Secretary (International Affairs) as reported in Appendix I, be confirmed. |