
TitleMinutes of a meeting of Council
Date30 November 1988
DescriptionPresent: Sir George Porter, President; Professor R E D Bishop; Dr L M Brown; Professor E C Cocking; Sir Roger Elliott, Secretary; Professor M A Epstein, Foreign Secretary; Professor B K Follett, Secretary; Professor J L Harper; Professor R W K Honeycombe, Treasurer; Dr J R Krebs; Professor I G Macdonald; Professor K Murray; Professor S V Perry; Sir Philip Randle; Professor F H Read; Professor F G A Stone

Sir Francis Graham-Smith attended by invitation

The Executive Secretary attended

Matters discussed
1. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 1988 were confirmed.

Appointments and Nominations
2. Death and Biographical memoirs
3. Auditors (professional)
4. Committee Membership
5. Notes and Records: Editor and Editorial Board

National Affairs
6. Advisory Board for the Research Councils
7. Industrial Fellowships Scheme
8. Napier and Wolfson Research Professorships and Royal Society Research Professorships
9. Royal Society British Gas Senior Research Professorship
10. Royal Society University Research Fellow (scheme established 1983)
11. Scientific Research in Schools Scheme Annual Report 1987-1988
12. Senior Research Fellow in the Biological Sciences
13. COPUS (Committee on the Public Understanding of Science)
14. Engineering Education Joint Committee
15. Mathematical ~Education Joint Committee
16. Paul Instrument Fund
17. SEPSU (Science and Engineering Policy Studies Unit) Steering Group

Royal Society Domestic Affairs
18. Auditors (Honorary) Report
19. Gabor Medal Loan
20. Sealing
21. Small Payments
22. Soirees 1989
23. Special General Meeting
24. Statute 60 Amendment
25. Publications Policy ad hoc Group

International Affairs
26. CASAFA (Commission on the Application of Science to Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture)
27. China: Natural Science Foundation
28. Florey Lecture
29. Franco - British Prize
30. International Geological Correlation Programme 1989-90
31. Overseas Field Research Grants
32. Royal Society - Israel Academy Visiting Research Professorships
33. USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
34. Science in Developing Countries Committee
35. World Climate Research Programme National Committee
36. Grants/Exchanges (Panel A)
37. Grants/Exchanges (Panel B)
38. Grants/Exchanges (Panel E)

Appendix A - Memorandum of Understanding between the Royal Society of London and the Natural Science Foundation of China
Appendix B - Grants in the European Science Exchange Programme and Israel Academy Programme
Appendix C - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel B of the International Exchanges Committee
Appendix D - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel E of the International Exchanges Committee
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