Description | Present: Sir George Porter, President; Dr Brigitte A Askonas; Dr L M Brown; Professor C Eaborn; Professor M A Epstein, Foreign Secretary; Professor B K Follett, Secretary; Sir Francis-Graham Smith, Secretary; Professor J L Harper; Professor R Hide; Professor R W K Honeycombe, Treasurer; Dr A T James; Professor T W T Kibble; Professor R A Laskey; Professor K Murray; Professor E R Oxburgh; Sir Philip Randle; Professor F H Read; Professor E C Zeaman
The Executive Secretary attended Matters discussed 1. The minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 1988 were confirmed
Appointments and Nominations 2. Deaths and Biographical Memoirs [including that of the Emperor Hirohito of Japan on 7 January 1989] 3. Committee membership 4. Education Committee restructuring 5. Science and Public Affairs: Editor
National Affairs 6. Earth sciences: research priorities 7. National curriculum 8. Research Fellows: additional grants 9. Royal Society University Research Fellowships (scheme established 1983): revised procedures and timetable 10. Space programme in the UK: publication of seminar 11. Submissions [to House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology] 12. Education Committee 13. Sorby Research Fund Committee
Royal Society Domestic Affairs 14. Loan of archival Material [to Science Museum for the exhibition 'The Year of the Microscope' from June 1989 to January 1990] 15. Statutes and Standing Orders: amendment 16. Soiree Committee
International Affairs 17. European Science Exchange Programme 18. European Science Exchange Programme Fellowships; advertisement 19. Florey Fellowship 20. Interactive video 21. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 22. Guest Research Fellowships Committee 23. International Exchanges Committee 24. Grants/Exchanges (Panel B)
Listed at end: Appendix A - National Curriculum: Text of a letter dated 5 January 1989 from Mr Bryan Beers, Schools Branch 3, Department of Education and Science, to Professor B K Follett, Biological Secretary Appendix B - Research Fellows: Additional Grants Appendix C - Proposed changes to Statutes Appendix D - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel B of the International Exchanges Committee |