Description | Present: Sir George Porter, President; Dr Brigitte A Askonas; Dr L M Brown; Professor J F Davidson; Professor C Eaborn; Professor M A Epstein, Foreign Secretary; Professor B K Follett, Secretary; Sir Francis-Graham Smith, Secretary; Professor J L Harper; Professor R Hide; Professor R W K Honeycombe, Treasurer; Dr A T James; Professor T W T Kibble; Sir Aaron Klug; Professor R A Laskey; Professor K Murray; Sir Philip Randle; Professor F H Read; Professor L Weiskrantz; Professor E C Zeeman
Professor Sivaramakrishna Chandrasekhar, Council Correspondent for India, attended by invitation
The Executive Secretary attended
Matters discussed: 1. Declaration of new members of Council they had signed the Declaration in lieu of Oath prescribed by the Charter 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 1989 were confirmed 3. Deaths and biographical memoirs 4. Candidates for the Fellowship 5. Committee membership 6. Council Correspondent for India 7. National Committees: restructuring 8. Representation on ourside bodies
National Affairs 9. Alan Johnston, Lawrence and Moseley Research Fellowship 10. British Association 11. British Physics Olympiad 12. Broadcasdting: response to White Paper 13. COPUS (Committee on the PUblic U:nderstanding of Science) grants 14. Industrial Fellowship 15. National Curriculum 16. Parliamentary Grant-in-Aid 1988-89: virements 17. Research Fellowsd: travel grants 18. Royal Society Research Grants Scheme 19. Royal Society Research Professors 20. Royal Society University Research Fellows (scheme established 1983) 21. Science curriculum 16-19 and its assessment: conference 22. Browne, hill and Murray Committee
Royal Society Domestic Affairs 23. Lectures 1989 [Croonian, Bakerian, Ferrier, Leeuwenhoek, Bernal, Clifford Paterson, Philips] 24. Sealikng 25. Small payments 26. Statutes and Standing Orders: amendments 27. Hooke Committee
International Affairs 28. Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA): UK membership 29. European Science Foundation (ESF): subscription 1989 30. Hydrology: merger of committees 31. International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU): subscription 1989 32. International Seismological Centre (ISC) 33. International Union of Biological Sciences(IUBS); subscription 34. Internatinal Union of Pharmacy (IUP): subscription 1989 35. Japan: relations with the European Community 36. Overseas Field Research 37. Royal Society K C Wongh Fellowships 38. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR): subscription 1989 39. Travelling Expenses Committee 40. Grants/Exchanges (Panel B) 41. Grants/Exchanges (Panel C) 42. Grants/Exchanges (Panel D) 43. Grants/Excchanges (Panel E)
Listed at end; Appendix A - National Curricululm for Science: Text of a letter dated 26 January 1989 from Professor B K Follett, Biological Secretary, to Mr Kenneth Baker, Secretary of Stte for Education and Science Appendix B - Interim Report of the National Curriculum Design and Technology Working Group Appendix C - Alteration to the Pension and Life Assurance Scheme of the Royal Society Appendix D - to consider propossal by Council for altering Statutes Appendix E - Travelling Expenses Committee Recommendations Appendix F - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel B of the International Exchanges Committee Appendix G - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel C of the International Exchanges Committee Appendix H - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel H of the International Exchanges Committee Appendix I - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel E of the International Exchanges Committee