Description | Present: Sir George Porter, President; Dr Brigitte A Askonas; Dr L M Brown; Professor J F Davidson; PRofessor C Eaborn; Professor M A Epstein, Foreign Secretary; Professdor B K Follett, Secretary; Sir Francis Grham-Smith, Secretary; Professor J L Harper; Professor R Hide; Professor R W K Honeycmbe, Treasurer; Dr A T James; Professor T W B Kibble; Sir Aaron Klug; Professor R A Laskey; Professor E R Oxburgh; Sir Philip Randle; Professor F H Read; Professor E C Zeeman
The Executive Secretary attended Matters discussed 1. The minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 1989 were confirmed.
Appointments and Nominations 2. Deaths 3. Candidates for the Fellowship 4. Committee Membership 5. Election under Statute 12: candidates 6. Fellows' election anniversaries 7. Representatives on outside bodies 8. National committees: proposed reorganisation
National Affairs 9. ABRC science funding advice: joint RS-BA meeting 10. Broadcasting: submission 11. Earth science priorities: report 12. Greenhouse effect: submission 13. Howe Senior Research Fellow: renewal 14. Locke and Alan Johnston, Moseley Research Fellows; renewals 15. Napier Research Professor: renewal 16. Pichering Research Fellow: renewal 17. Research appointments; applications 18. Research Fellows: research expenses 19. Royal Society Research Grants Scheme 20. Royal Society Research Professors: renewals 21. SEPSU services: reimbursement 22. SEPSU Study on '1992' 23. University Research Fellowships (scheme established 1983): panels 24. World List Fund: grant 25. Scientific Information Committee
Royal Society Domestic Affairs 26. Bills for payment 27. Sealing 28. Small payments
International Affairs 29. Antarctic research: UK Report 1988 30. Appleton Prize 32. Charles Darwin Foundation 32. Committee on Data for Science and Tecnology (CODATA): UK Delegate 33. Developing Country Fellowships Scheme 34. International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS): 1989 subscription and General Assembly 35. Japan 36. 1989 UK Radio Science Colloquium 37. World Data Centre C1 for Glaciology, Cambridge, UK 38. History of Science, Medicine and Technology National Committee grants 39. Overseas Field Research Grants Board 40. Sout-East Asia Rain Forest Research Committee 41. Grant/ Exchanges Panel A 42. Grant/ Exchanges Panel B 43. Grant/ Exchanges Panel C 44. Grant/ Exchanges Panel D 45. Grant/ Exchanges Panel E
Listed at end: Appendix A - Broadcasting Text of the Submission to the Home Office in response to the White Paper 'Broadcasting in the 1990's: competition, choice and quality'' Appendix B - Overseas Field Research Grants Board 1989 Appendix C - Grants in the European Science Exchange Programme and Israel Academy Programme Appendix D - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel B of the International Exchanges Committee Appendix E - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel C of the International Exchanges Committee Appendix F - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel D of the International Exchanges Committee Appendix G - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel E of the International Exchanges Committee |