Description | Lists those present; Lord May of Oxford, President in the chair; Sir David Wallace, Treasurer, in the chair for minute 2.1, and present for minutes 1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7, 4.3, 4.5, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, and 4.16 only; Professor David Read, Biological Secretary; Professor Martin Taylor, Physical Secretary; Dame Julia Higgins, Foreign Secretary, present for minutes 1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 4.3, 4.5, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, and 4.16 only; Professor Jean Beggs; Prpofesor Athene Donald; Professor Judith Howard, Vice-President; Professor Angus MacIntyre; Profesor Robin Marshall; Dame Bridget Ogilvie; Professor Mark Pepys; Professor Ole Petersen; Professor John Pethica; Professor Dale Sanders; Sir John Meurig Thomas
In attendance: Mr Stephen Cox, Executive Secretary
Unable to attend: Professor Jocelyn Bell Burnell; Dr Marianne Bienz; Professor David Clary; Professor Douglas Gough; Professor Alan Rickinson
Matters discussed; 1. Minutes of meeting held on 30 November 2004 confirmed
2. Council and Fellowship 2.1 Presidency - potential candidates considered; schedule of meetings arranged to discuss further 2.2 Honorary Fellowship 2.3 Deaths and Biographical Memoirs 2.4 Report from Anniversary Meeting - 30 November 2004
3. Corporate Business 3.1 Budget 2005 - 2006 3.2 Committee membership of Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education; B-side Editorial Board; Leverhulme Fellowship Committee; Partnershiip Grants Panel; Research Appointments Panel B9i) - Molecular and Cellular Biology; Reserch Grant Board C: Engineeering, Technology, instrumentation, materials science, experimental fluid dynamics; Scientific Unions; South East Asia Rain Forest Research Committee; Wolfson Research Merit Award Panel 3.3 Report of Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 21 January 2005 3.4 Representatives of the Lawes Agricultural Trust Company 3.5 Sealing - deed of appointment of Professor Martin Taylor as Trustee of the Pension and Life Assurance Plan of the Royal Society; and to certificate appointing Professor Jean Beggs as the first Royal Society Darwin Research Professor 3.6 Spending Review 3.7 Strategy/Policy Board minutes of meeting on 13 January 2005 and 16 February 2005
4. Sectional Business A Grants 4.1 Internartional Exchanges - summary list by country of 503 awards received 4.2 UK Grants
B International Policy 4.3 EASAC Council meeting 24 - 25 January 2005 - noted minutes 4.4 Global Environmental Research Committee 4.5 International Policy Committee meeting 24 November 2004 C Science Communication 4.6 Education Committee minutes of 8 December 2004 4.7 Funding for Royal Society education activities 4.8 Grants for Education projects 4.9 Kohn Award for excellence in engaging the public with science
C Science advice 4.10 Climate change and the media 4.11 Codes of conduct 4.12 Future of the hydrogen economy 4.13 Healthcare and pervasive computing 4.14 Ocean Acidification from increasing atmospheric CO2 4.15 OST Review of science in DEFRA 4.16 Strategic science provision in English universities and future work plan
D Library and Information Services 4.17 Library and Information Services Request to loan painting by Scottish National Portrait Gallery of Sir John Pringle; request to extend loan to the National Physical Laboratory of the portraits of Sir Isaasc Newton by John Vanderbank, Lord Kelvin by Sir William Orchardson, And James Joule by John Collier; Donaltion of ' The Banksias ' Volujme III by Celia Rosser , limited edition volume number 263 out of 530 printed and signed by the author on the title page, donated by Sir Martin Wood FRS in November 2004 who had also donated Volumes I and II in previous years |