
TitleMemorandum of understanding for scientific cooperation betweeen the Royal Society of London and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
DateNovember 1986
DescriptionIncludes 'Details for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the Royal Society of London'

Signed by Dr Hiroshi Kida, Director General on 19 November, and Sir Arnold Burgen, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society on 28 November 1986.

Recognizing the mutual benefits t be derived from increased mobility of and productive exchanges and collaboration between the scientists of the United Kingdomn and Japan, the Royal Society of London and th Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (hereinafter referred to as the sides) have agreed as follows;
1. The sides will conduct exchanges of scientists in the natural sciences (including engineering and mathematical, agricultureal and medical sciences) and the visits may be proposed undder two categories;
a. Long-term visits, which will normally be by research scientists at the postdoctoral level who will conduct research under the supervision of host professor or research leader, for periods of up to twelve months but never less thatn six months.
b. short-term visits, which will be by senior scientists who will lecture and exchange ideas and information in their fields with scientists in the host country, for the periods of up to three months by not less than two weeks.

2. The exchange visits will be arranged within the scoope of the respective budgets of the sides and the estimated number of scientists to be supported by the receiving side will be agreed upon by the sides annually, in accordance with the financial resources of both societies.

3. The sending side will ay for the cost of transportation to and from its country, and the receiving side will provide the maintenance allowance and travel costs within the country for the visiting scientist.

4. For the funding of these exchanges, each side will allocate an equivalent amount of budget. In the event of the sending side wishing to support more exchange visitors than possible within the sum set aside by the receiving side all the costs for such visits would be borne by the sending side.

5. The selection of visiting scientists will be organized by the sending side, which will nominate candidates for exchange visits and propose them to the receiving side. Proposals will be accompanied by information necessary for the receibving side's assessment of the proposed visit. Final decisions on the candidates will be made on the basis of mutual agreement between the sides.
6. The details on other necessary matters concerning th implementation of this Memorandum are provided separately inthe 'Details fo r Implememntation'.

7. Either side may submit, at any time when necessary, suggestions or recommenndation for amendments to the provisions of this Memorandum.

8. This Memorandum of Understanding will be in force as of April 1, 1987 and will remain in force for three years. It will be reviewed eery three years and will continue to be valid until either side notifies the other of its intention to terminate it, in which case any exisitng program will be brought to an orderly termination. This notification should be made at least one year in advance of the termination.

The Royal Society and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science agree that this Memorandum of Understanding replaces paragraphs 2(i), 2(ii) of the April 1971 Agreement on Scientific Exchanges between the United Kingdom and Japan.
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