RefNo | EC/1736/10 |
Previous numbers | Cert I, 92; A01273 |
Level | Item |
Title | Cervi, Joseph: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Date | 9 December 1736 |
Citation | Signor --- Cervi MD formerly Professor of Physick in the University of Parma; now First Physician to the king and Queen of Spain & perpetual President of the Royal Academy of Physick in Spain This Gentleman is very well versed in all branches of Learning relating to this Honble Society; he is a great Encourager of learning in Spain, & by his favour with his Majesty the king of Spain hath procured the Royal Establishment of an Academy of Physick in Spain, of which he is the perpetual President and protector. being desirous to become a member of this Honble Society, He is recommended as a fit person by the two brothers the Doctors Jussieu both FRS in Letters to the President & to the Secretary, and he is also recommended by us who have Subscribed our Names |
Proposers | Hans Sloane; Philip Miller; Cadogan; Cromll Mortimer |
AccessStatus | Open |
Image |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA6794 | Cervi; Joseph (1663 - 1748) | 1663 - 1748 |