RefNo | EC/1740/11 |
Previous numbers | Cert I, 160; A06242 |
Level | Item |
Title | Sacchetti, Giulio: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Date | 6 November 1740 |
Citation | The most Revd Monsignor Giulio Sachetti of Rome, Camerier d'Onore to the late Pope Clement the xii, Canon of St Peters in the Vatican, and a Commander of the Religious and Military Order of St John of Jerusalem; Some time Since in England; being desirous of the honour of becoming a fellow of the Royal Society: is recommended by us as a Gentn of great Quality and merit; of Extensive Curiosity and Learning, well vers'd in Philosophy and Natural History, and likely to be a worthy and Valuable member of the Same. |
Proposers | Montagu; Colerane; Martin Folkes; J Algarotti; Andw Mitchell |
AccessStatus | Open |
Image |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA1185 | Sacchetti; Giulio (fl 1740 - 1757) | fl 1740 - 1757 |