RefNo | EC/1764/08 |
Previous numbers | Cert II, 274 |
Level | Item |
Title | Meuschen, Friedrich Christian: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Description | Both citations and sets of proposers on one certificate |
Citation | The Counsellor of Legations to his Grace the Duke of Saxe-Hildbourghausen, Friedrich Christian Meuschen, who because of his great Knowledge in the Natural History, and his great industry in Collecting natural Curiosities, has been already received a Membre [sic] of the Imperial Academy of the Curious of Nature, and of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences; being desirous of the Honour of being received a foreign Membre of the Illustrious Royal Society at London: I take the Liberty to recommend him, and to testify his great Deserts and his Learning in all the branches of Natural Sciences. Halle, August the 10 1763 |
We whose names are subscribed, english members of the Society, join in this recommendation |
Proposers | Andreas Elias Buchner, President of the Imperial Academy of the Curious of Nature, and first Professor of Physick. and Fellow of the Royal Society at London |
M Maty; B Wilson; Cha Morton |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedMaterial | EC/1764/07 |
Image | ![Meuschen, Friedrich Christian: certificate of election to the Royal Society](GetImage.ashx?db=Catalog&fname=EC_1764_08.jpg&type=RecordThumbnail)
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA5092 | Meuschen; Friedrich Christian (1719 -) | 1719 - |