Citation | Whitworth Scholar. Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics at the City and Guilds of London Technial College, Finsbury, and formerly Associate Professor of of Civil Engineering, McGill University, Montreal. Joint Secretary of the British Association Committee for 'The Investigation of Complex Stresses in Engineering Materials.' Nominated President of the Engineering Section of the British Association for the Australian Meeting, 1914. Has made numerous experimental investigations on the measurement of stress in metals, the critical velocity of flow of liquids, the elastic properties of rocks, and the temperature of explosion in gas engines. In recent years has developed the use of polarised light to measure the stress distribution in engineering structures and machines by aid of transparent models, and has also devised many instruments for exact measurements of stress and strain in materials. Awarded the Gold Medal of the Institution of Naval Architects, 1912. His publications include: - 'The Measurement of Stress by Thermal Methods with an Account of Experiments on the Influence of Stress on the Thermal Expansion of Metals' (Trans Roy Soc Edin, 1904); 'Apparatus for Measuring Strain and Applying Stress, with an Account of some Experimentals of the behaviour of Iron and Steel under Stress' (ibid, 1901); 'An Experimental Determination of the Variation with Temperature of the Critical Velocity of Flow of Water in Pipes' (with Mr S B Clement) (Trans Roy Soc, 1903); 'The Flow of Water through Pipes. Experimental on Streamline Motion, and the Measurement of Critical Velocity' (with Dr H T Barnes FRS) (Proc Roy Soc, Vol 74); 'A Laboratory Apparatus for applying Bending and Twisting Moments simultaneously' (Phil Mag, 1909); 'On the Effect of Low Temperature on the Recovery of Overstrained Iron and Steel' (Physical Review, 1902); 'A Laboratory Apparatus for Measuring the Lateral Strain in Tension and Compression Members, with some applications to the Measurement of the Elastic Constants of Metals' (Proc Roy Soc Edin, 1905); 'An Investigation into the Elastic Constants of Rocks, more especially with reference to Cubic Compressibility' (with F D Adams, FRS) (Proc Carnegie Inst, Washington, 1906); 'The Optical Determination of Stress' (Phil Mag, 1910); 'Photo-Elasticity' (Engineering, 1911); 'The Determination, by Photo-Elastic Methods, of the Distribution of Stress in Plates of Variable Section, with some applications to Ships' Plating' (Trans Inst Naval Arch, 1911); 'The Distribution of Stress due to a Rivet in a Plate' (with Mr W A Scobie) (ibid, 1913); 'An Optical Determination of the Variation of Stress in a Thin Rectangular Plate subjected to Shear' (Proc Roy Soc, 1912); 'The Design and Construction of Large Polariscopes' (with Professor S P Thompson, FRS) (Proceedings of the Optical Convention, 1912); 'The Distribution of Stress at the Minimum Section of a Cement Briquette' (New York Meeting of the International Association for Testing Materials, 1912); 'The Effects of Holes and Semicirular Notches on the Distribution of Stress in Tension Members' (Proc Phys Soc, 1913); 'A Column Testing Machine' (ibid, 1913); 'Cyclical Changes of Temperature in a Gas Engine Cylinder' (with Mr W A Scobie) (accepted for publication by the Institution of Civil Engineers). |