Citation | Spent 35 years in the science and practice of civil engineering of great bridge, tunnel, railway and hydraulic works. Engaged with late Sir Benjamin Baker, 1883-88, on the design and construction of Forth Bridge; investigated the effect of alternating stresses on steel and iron after heat treatment; 1888-1891, investigated effect of cold on setting of Portland cements while constructing railways and docks in Canada. Investigated (1892-1898) effect of cold on steel for London County Council whilst resident engineer on the Blackwall Tunnel, Engineer in charge of construction, Assouan Dam, Nile. Investigated (1898-1902) properties of mortars made of Egyptian limestones and clays. Engineer-in-chief, 1902-1912, London County Council, and designed and constructed RotherhitheTunnel, Vauxhall New Bridge, New Thames Embankments, main drainage and street tramways. Investigated sedimentation of sewage and made great improvements. Since 1912, carried out large harbour works at Singapore, Colombo, Sierra Leone, and in Britain. Publications: - 'Plate Girder Railway Bridges' (Spon); 'Shrinkage of the Thames and Lea'; 'London County Bridges' (LCC). Papers, Inst CE, 'Foundations of the Forth Bridge, 1886,' 'Blackwall Tunnel 1897'; Inst CE of Ireland, 'Forth Bridge 1888;' British Association, 'Tunnel Construction by means of Shield and Compressed Air,' 1894. Member, Advisory Council, Scientific and Industrial Research; War Office committee on Military Works; Chairman, Admiralty Advisory Committee on Naval Works; Canal Control Committee (Board of Trade); Vice-Chairman, Engineering Standards Committee. Telford and Watt Medallist, Inst CE. |