RefNo | EC/1970/11 |
Previous numbers | Cert XVIII, 159 |
Level | Item |
Title | Hirst, John Malcolm: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Description | Citation typed |
Citation | Distinguished for his contributions to plant pathology and aerobiology. His automatic spore trap, now standard equipment for pathologists and allergists, has revolutionised knowledge about what is in the air. With it, he has identified new compounds of the air spore, discovered that spores of different species occur with characteristic diurnal periodicities, and showed how the weather and locality influence the concentration of the components. The simple dew balance he designed has also proved of great value in elucidating conditions favouring infection by various fungi. His work on the epidemiology and control of potato blight and apple scab is rich in discoveries of scientific interest and practical importance. Also notable are his studies, by trapping from aeroplanes, of the long-distance transport of spores and his work on potato diseases caused by tuber-borne fungi. |
AccessStatus | Closed |
Image |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA6116 | Hirst; John Malcolm (1921 - 1997) | 1921 - 1997 |