Citation | After a double honours degree in Mathematics and Physics and a PhD in X-ray diffraction under Professor .J.C. Wilson, Dr. Pike was awarded a tow-year Fulbright Scholarship to MIT. He then joined the theoretical physics section at RRE working on, variously, irreversible thermodynamics and electrochemical transport, hydrodynamic stability, many- body quantum theory and asymptotic differential equations. He became interested in the laser and performed some of the first fundamental experiments in photon statistics. This latter work has led directly to a new field of statistical optical spectroscopy with wide applications in physics, chemistry, biology and engineering. Commercial exploitation by the NRDC has achieved world-wide sales of "Malvern" photo-correlation equipment. His research ranges from measurements of supersonic velocities in wind tunnels, molecular parameters of proteins and viruses, zero, first and second sound in liquid Helium to blood-flow velocity in the human eye and has produced some 130 contributions to learned journals and books. He has acted as external examiner for a number of Universities and present appointments include Chairman of the IOP Quantum Electronics Group, Editor of J Phys A and member of the SRC Physics Committee. In 1975 Dr. Pike was awarded the Royal Society Charles Parsons medal for the use of the laser in measurement. The MacRobert Award for 1977 was made to Dr Pike and his colleagues Dr E. Jakeman (R.S.R.E.) and Mr D.S. Trudgill (Malvern Instruments Limited) for the work on the Malvern Committee. In 1978 Dr Pike won the Achievement Award of the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers. |