Description | The correspondence in this section exhibits the full range of Simon's activities, from his research work at the Clarendon Laboratory, his membership of Low Temperature Groups and Committees, and his interest in public debates on technological education and domestic heating. Themes which recur in the correspondence include visits to the Clarendon Laboratory by visting scientists, arrangements for postgraduate research at the Clarendon, visits abroad to Low Temperature Conferences by Simon and the impact of the Second World War on the lives and careers of scientists in both the United Kingdom and Germany.
The size of the files ranges from a few letters to hundreds of letters. Some of the correspondents with whom the correspondence is lengthy include: JF Allen; Dr Dirk Bijl; Prof Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer; Prof Max Born; Prof John G Daunt; Prof J Eggert; Prof CJ Gorter; Dr W Hume-Rothery; Prof W Jost; Dr GO Jones; Prof Karl Lark-Horowitz; Prof Max von Laue; Dr DKC MacDonald; WRD Manning; Prof NF Mott; Col SF Newcombe; Prof FA Paneth; Prof Rudolph E Peierls; Michael Perrin; Prof Rudolf Plank; Prof J Rotblat; Dr Martin Ruhemann; Dr D Shoenberg; Prof HWB Skinner; Prof S Tolansky; Prof AR Ubbeholde and Prof Harold Urey.
Correspondence of particular interest includes: the dificulties in arranging a visit to the UK from Bonhoeffer in 1947 (Bonhoeffer's residency in the Russian Zone of Berlin meant any travel to the west aroused suspicion); Max Born believing his place in the history of quantum mechanics was downplayed by some German scientists; Simon discussing with Burgers his views on atomic weapons and pacifism; brief correspondence with Werner Heisenberg; Prof W Jost's difficulties in leaving the American controlled zone of Germany to be treated in a sanatorium in Switzerland and Simon's suggestions for preventing high temperatures on the London Underground. |
Arrangement | Box FS/7/2/1 - FS/7/2/48 contains the following 7 files: FS/7/2/1 - FS/7/2/5 (Agnew - JF Allen) FS/7/2/6 - FS/7/2/10 (Allibone - Andrade) FS/7/2/11 - FS/7/2/21 (Andrews - Ayres) FS/7/2/22 - FS/7/2/36 (Bacher - Betts) FS/7/2/37 - FS/7/2/45 (Bijl - Bohr) FS/7/2/46 - FS/7/2/47 (Bonhoeffer - Borelius) FS/7/2/48 (Max Born)
Box FS/7/2/49 - FS/7/2/107 contains the following 6 files: FS/7/2/49 - FS/7/2/56 (Bosanquet - Brickwedde) FS/7/2/57 - FS/7/2/65 (Bridgman - Busch) FS/7/2/66 - FS/7/2/77 (Carpenter - Clusius) FS/7/2/78 - FS/7/2/89 (Cohn - Cwilong) FS/7/2/90 - FS/7/2/95 (Dainton - Daunt) FS/7/2/96 - FS/7/2/107 (Davies - Duyckaerts)
Box 7/2/108 - FS/7/2/189 contains the following 10 files: FS/7/2/108 - FS/7/2/113 (H Ebert - Eggert) FS/7/2/114 - FS/7/2/123 (Eichberg - Eyring) FS/7/2/124 - FS/7/2/138 (Fairbank - Furth) FS/7/2/139 - FS/7/2/146 (Gabor - Giauque) FS/7/2/147 - FS/7/2/155 (Gibb - Gluckhauf) FS/7/2/156 - FS/7/2/162 (Goalby - Gorter) FS/7/2/162 - (Gorter, cont.) FS/7/2/163 - FS/7/2/168 (Grant-Bailey - Gregory) FS/7/2/169 - FS/7/2/180 (Grenville-Wells - Gross) FS/7/2/181 - FS/7/2/189 (Grove - Guy)
Box FS/7/2/190 - FS/7/2/278 contains the following 6 files: FS/7/2/190 - FS/7/2/204 (ter Haar - Hankey) FS/7/2/205 - FS/7/2/227 (Harper - Henisch) FS/7/2/228 - FS/7/2/236 (Henry - GM de Hevesy) FS/7/2/237 - FS/7/2/245 (P de Hevesy - Hilsch) FS/7/2/246 - FS/7/2/261 (Hinshelwood - Houlion) FS/7/2/262 - FS/7/2/278 (Houston - RS Hutton)
Box FS/7/2/279 - FS/7/2/307 contains the following 8 files: FS/7/2/279 - FS/7/2/291 (Ingarden - Jewkes) FS/7/2/292 - FS/7/2/307 (Jha - Judson, excluding W Jost and GO Jones) FS/7/2/303/1 - (GO Jones, 1949-1952) FS/7/2/303/2 - (GO Jones, 1953) FS/7/2/303/3 - (GO Jones, 1954) FS/7/2/306/1 - (W Jost, 1946-1947) FS/7/2/306/2 - (W Jost, 1948-1949) FS/7/2/306/3 - (W Jost, 1950-1954, 1956)
Box FS/7/2/308 - FS/7/2/400 contains the following 8 files: FS/7/2/308 - FS/7/2/318 (Kanda - Kind) FS/7/2/319 - FS/7/2/343 (A King - Kynch) FS/7/2/344 - FS/7/2/353 (Ladenburg - AM Larsen, excluding Lark-Horowitz) FS/7/2/352 (Lark-Horowitz) FS/7/2/354 - FS/7/2/357 (E Larsen - Von Laue) FS/7/2/358 - FS/7/2/373 (Lawrence - Leyland) FS/7/2/374 - FS/7/2/389 (Liljebald - London) FS/7/2/390 - FS/7/2/400 (Long - Lyle)
Box FS/7/2/401 - FSFS/7/2/499 contains the following 8 files: FS/7/2/401/1-89 (DKC MacDonald) FS/7/2/401/90-127 (DKC MacDonald) FS/7/2/402 - FS/7/2/416 (MacFarlane - Mann) FS/7/2/417 (Manning) FS/7/2/418 - FS/7/2/441 (Marconi Instrument Ltd - Mazzoni) FS/7/2/442 - FS/7/2/456 (McGraw-Hill - Merriman) FS/7/2/457 - FS/7/2/476 (Merton - Moon) FS/7/2/477 - FS/7/2/499 (LP Moore - Mysore, excluding NF Mott)
Box FS/7/2/500 - FS/7/2/517, including FS/7/2/488, contains the following 6 files: FS/7/2/488/1-97 (NF Mott) FS/7/2/488/98-191 (NF Mott) FS/7/2/500 - FS/7/2/505 (C Nabarro - Newitt, excluding SF Newcombe) FS/7/2/504 (SF Newcombe) FS/7/2/506 - FS/7/2/512 (Newman - del Nunzio) FS/7/2/513 - FS/7/2/518 (Oldenberg - Owen)
Box FS/7/2/519 - FS/7/2/552 contains the following 9 files: FS/7/2/519 - FS/7/2/521 (Paneth - Pauling) FS/7/2/522 - FS/7/2/525 (Pegram - Pekeris) FS/7/2/526 (Perrin) FS/7/2/527 - FS/7/2/531 (Perutz - Pickavance) FS/7/2/532 - FS/7/2/536 (Pippard - R Planck) FS/7/2/536 (R Planck, cont.) FS/7/2/537 - FS/7/2/44 (Plaskett - Price) FS/7/2/545 (Prigogione) FS/7/2/546 (Pringheim - Quittenton)
Box FS/7/2/553 - FS/7/2/596 contains the following 3 files: FS/7/2/553 - FS/7/2/577 (Rabi - Robinson) FS/7/2/578 - FS/7/2/586 (Rollin - Rowe) FS/7/2/587 - FS/7/2/596 (Rowell - Ryle)
Box FS/7/2/597 - FS/7/2/651 contains the following 10 files: FS/7/2/597 - FS/7/2/600 (Saha - Schaeffer) FS/7/2/601 - FS/7/2/605 (Scherrer - Schottky) FS/7/2/606 - FS/7/2/617 (Schroedinger - Shenstone) FS/7/2/618 (Shoenberg) FS/7/2/619 - FS/7/2/624 (Shrum - Skinner) FS/7/2/625 - FS/7/2/629 (Slater - Soper) FS/7/2/630 - FS/7/2/633 (Spedding - Sporn) FS/7/2/634 - FS/7/2/638 (Squire - Sterling) FS/7/2/639 - FS/7/2/641 (Stranski - F Stern) FS/7/2/642 - FS/7/2/651 (O Stern - Szasz)
Box FS/7/2/652 - FS/7/2/728 contains the following 9 files: FS/7/2/652 - FS/7/2/668 (Taconis - Tizard) FS/7/2/669 (Tolansky) FS/7/2/670 - FS/7/2/682 (Tomita - Tyndall) FS/7/2/683 (Ubbelohde) FS/7/2/684 - FS/7/2/687 (Ueberreiter - Urmanczy) FS/7/2/688 - FS/7/2/699 (Verrey - Waverley) FS/7/2/700 - FS/7/2/715 (Webber - Williams) FS/7/2/716 - FS/7/2/717 (Wilson - Wohl) FS/7/2/718 - FS/7/2/728 (Wolfe - Ziman) |