RefNo | HF/1/14/2/15/12 |
Previous numbers | 98HF.134.15.12 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Richard Livingstone, Vice-Chancellor, Corpus Christi College, Oxford |
Date | 15 October 1945 |
Description | Is enclosing copy of report of Joint Committee on Demonstrators' Salaries, adopted by Medical Board on 7 June 1944 - comments on this - disappointing that Council has taken no notice of Committee's recommendations - hopes question of salaries will be re-opened as there is widespread dissatisfaction with present position. |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedMaterial | For report see HF/1/14/2/15/13 |
RelatedRecord | HF/1/14/2/15/13 |