RefNo | HF/1/14/2/9/65 |
Previous numbers | 98HF.134.9.65 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Harold Himsworth, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London |
Date | 26 July 1958 |
Description | Thanks Himsworth for letter about G G F Newton - hopes Council will pay Newton for a further 5 years without assurance that Newton would have University appointment in 5 years' time - asks Himsworth to put his letter and copy of letter he has written to Newton before Council - discusses organisation and financing of his department - comments on position of E P Abraham and on possibility of getting University post for Newton - discusses work which Abraham and Newton are doing on natural products of medical interest - comments on possibility of breaking up team studying atheroma, as he cannot find suitable posts for Robinson and J C F Poole - has told J L Gowans he should look elsewhere for job - comments on Gowans work on lymphocytes - did not exploit for benefit of his department, fact that some of essential work on penicillin was done in the department - discusses this and comments on fact that it was a member of the Medical Research Council who advised him not to patent steps in extractions and preparation of penicillin. |
Extent | 6pp |
Format | Carbon copy |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedMaterial | For drafts of this letter see HF/1/14/2/9/66 and HF/1/14/2/9/67 |
RelatedRecord | HF/1/14/2/9/66 |
HF/1/14/2/9/67 |