Description | Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Sympoisum on Antibiotics, Washington DC, October 17-19 1956 Includes papers on: alazopeptin; amphomycin; amphotericin B; antibiotic assay; ascosin; bacilli -sensitivity of coliform and gram negative bacilli; bacitracin; benzathine penicillin G; bryamycin; burns-local management; chloramphenicol; chlortetracycline; coccidosis - effect on antibiotics; colon- preoperative sterilization; cortisone; corticotropin; cycloserine; dihydronovobiocin; dihydrostreptmycin; enterohepatitis-effect of antibiotics; erythromycin; Escherichia coli - chlortetracycline resistance and uptake of vitamin B12; food technology and preservation; hydrocortisone; antifungal agents; hygromycin; isoniazid; Micrococcus pyogenes - antibiotic sensitivity; Mucorales - antibiosis manifested by selected species; Mycobacterium tuberculosis - antibiotics sensitivity; mycosamine; Myerlan; neomycin; novobiocin; nucleocidin; nystatin; oleanomycin; oleanopen; osteomyelitis - topical detergent antibiotic therapy; oxytetracycline; PA132; pantothenates; pantothenic acid; penicillin; penicillin G; penicillin V; pertussis - treatment; polymixin B Populus tacamahaca - antibacterial sesquiterpenes; proctology; radiation; relapsing fever - antibiotic resistance; ristocetin; soframycin; spiramycin; staphylococci - resistance; streptomycin; sulfamethoxypiridazine; sulphur compunds; synnematin B; tetracycline; vancomycin; viomycin; xanthocillin. Editors: Henry Welch and Felix Marti-Ibanez Publisher: Medical Encyclopedia, Inc, New York Inscription: "M E Florey, School of Pathology, South Parks Road, Oxford" xviii and 1134 pages |