RefNo | HSF/2/1/103 |
Previous numbers | 32.8.88 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from J H [John Herschel], Bangalore [Bengaluru], to 'Dear Mother' [Margaret Brodie Herschel] |
Creator | Herschel; John (1837-1921); British army officer and astronomer |
Date | 5 October 1869 |
Description | He notes the deceptively fat envelope and asks for the contents to be distributed, including to his father. Mary [Mary Cornwallis Herschel] gives thanks for 'the Church &c', and it is well that it was not sent sooner. There was a rumour of the loss of a mail steamer, which was confirmed that morning, with an envelope bearing the words 'recovered from the wreck of the Carnatic'. They have few details yet but the vessel sank in deep water after striking. He has little to relate, as he sits at his desk for six hours per day in the office and about the same at his study table. He has just finished volume 1 of [Francis] Espinasse's Voltaire, and this has taken two months. He criticises the book for lack of interest and bad style. They garden and play croquet and it is continually cloudy, so no astronomy is possible. |
Extent | 2p. |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA7955 | Herschel; John (1837 - 1921) | 1837 - 1921 |