RefNo | HSF/2/1/31 |
Previous numbers | 32.8.19 and 32.8.19A |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from J [John] Herschel, Roorkee, to Amelia [Herschel] |
Creator | Herschel; John (1837-1921); British army officer and astronomer |
Date | 28 July 1859 |
Description | He gives thanks for her letter and hopes she will pursuade Julia, [Matilda] Rose and Fanny [Francisca Herschel] to do the same. He does not care how long the letters are, or how nonsensical, it is the handwriting he wishes to see. But he thinks there should be lots to tell and suggests that she keeps a baby journal and relays news of the dog 'Shot'. He is glad she enjoys riding, he was proud of riding to Hastings and back in a day, and if she can do it, she must be 'getting on famously'. He has a horse and pony but does not get much opportunity to use them. Horses in India are different, no-one would think to ride one more than twenty miles in a day, more likely twelve miles. He relays a story of a horse dying after putting its hoof in a hole; having a fall is common in India, he thinks. John has had two falls, once saved by a pith helmet and once while jumping, and thinks himself a better rider than he was. He now has a month's leave and proposes to visit W Stewart at Shahjahanpur, beginning the next day. He will stop at Bij-nour [Bijnor] where Chapman is, explaining that in India, anyone would think themselves hard done by if a friend did not visit his station for a few days while passing through. He thinks he may stop elsewhere, and will travel by dak, this time in a 'dhoolie' [palanquin]. He has had a flattering reply from Colonel [Andrew Scott] Waugh, who has promised to get John appointed [to the Great Trignometrical Survey] as soon as there is a vacancy. There is an order that infantry officers can become qualified to take places with the sappers and miners and 'we shall probably be placed at the disposal of the D.P.W.' [Department of Public Works?]. He has had no letter from Willy [William James Herschel] and notes the dates of his last letters from home. |
Extent | 7p. |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA7955 | Herschel; John (1837 - 1921) | 1837 - 1921 |