Description | Containing detailed notes on Gaddum's experiments. Several experiments involve the airborne testing of chemical sprays and dye bombs in wind tunnels, rabbits exposed to arsine (p15), experiments on the properties of gelatine (p27), effects of dilution on particle size (p17), tests of sprays and of bombs charged with 'B1 suspension' (p25), impinger tests (p43, 103), phosgene bombs (p49), 'chemical Wk' in suspension (p51), sprays of 'W' (p55) and 'DD' bombs charged with W (p59), trial of new 'noses' (p81), tests of local anaesthetics (p99), injections of CuO and survival times (p106), effect of bleach on the allergen (p107), field trials with W (p109), effect of CCl4 on rabbit's respiration (p111), tests with Hispano bullets at Happy Valley (p119), 'DD' bombs charged with CCl4 (p129), tests of small bombs filled with 'W solution' (p149, 165), absorption of Nembutal in the nose (p151), tests of neurotoxin tri-o-cresyl phosphate (p173), effects of exposure of CuO to goats (p181). List of references on chemical warfare and testing war gases (p196). Notes on particulate clouds and methods of chemical dispersal, iron absorption in the body (between back page and cover). Contents page on back cover.
Contains photographs of test tube washings (pp34-35), other data photos (p41). Note about a janitor exposed to arsine who had red urine, tested by Gaddum (p 71). Graph on Droplet Cloud of Dibutyl Phthalate Produced by Phys. Section Collision-Type Atomiser, with 2 other graphs (between pp84-85). Graph on differences between glass and metal bomb (between pp 94-95). Ten pages of graphs on bomb tests (pp122-123).
3 letters from Raymond [?] from the Dyson Perrins Laboratory: A. 23 Sept 1940 -- indicates that he gave Gaddum the compounds ethylene imine and dimethyl isopropoionamide for use in his toxic substance research, and mentions the bombing of the UCL Great Hall. B. 26 Feb 1941 -- asks Gaddum about his position on local anasthetics and volatile local anasthetics in treating symptoms. C. 21 March 1941 -- indicates that he is sending Gaddum a sample of N-propylbenzadrine to use in his anaesthetic research. Letters found between pp98 and 99.
Notes on 'Experiments in a small wind tunnel to test impingers, carried out March 6th, 1942 (p125).
Notes from DR Reed on the distribution of charging from toxic charged Hispano shells fired into metal chambers,' carried out with impingers by Prof Gaddum' (between pp.126-127).
'Comparative Table of the Vapour Pressure Etc of H and S' marked 'for JWC Phillips' with stamp of Physiological Section, 28 May 1942 (between pp150-151).
Drawings of artificial 'noses' used to test gas effects (p81). Pencil diagram of a gas chamber used to distribute [nembutal] to goats (p152). Form describing effects of CuO exposure on a goat (p181). |