Description | Contains detailed laboratory notes of J H Gaddum. Includes tests on rat stomach without mucus membrane (p19), guinea pig trachea in a microbath (p23), agenda for autumn 1957 (p24), assay of preparation of substance P made by Roche on guinea pig ileum (p29), method of Vos (p31), notes on a new design for a tension recorder (p49), recovery with atropine (p50), Tyrode on a hen's rectal cecum (pp53, 81), calibrations (p57), tests on guinea pig ileum with Ps and P7 assayed against freeze dried substance P (p61), notes by Gaddum on saline contaminants (p63), bradykinin preparations (p74), experiments with kinin with Willoughby (p91), experiments with goldfish and rabbit gut with van Gelder and Lucas (pp95, 103-105), test of 'Mitchell's fluids' on a sheep's brain (p111), letter from V P Whittaker to Gaddum on isolation of a new substance from the brain (p121), notes on Keynes apparatus and diagram of apparatus for monitoring drops (p132), testing of SP on capillaries (p137), nervous system diagram (p143), preparations of substance P (p147), extraction of substance P from the small intestine of a horse (p153), graph on the separation of compounds by paper electrophoresis (pp156-157), effect of substance P on Betta Splendens [Siamese fighting fish] (p173), assays of glutamate on crayfish claw (pp181-183), assays of 'pure P' (p191), effect of albumin on substance P (p195), electrode for CNS made of glass (p201), notes on microliter syringes (p207), centrifuge fraction B prepared from GP brain (p213), RV in a microbath (p221), adenosine in the brain (p226), steel microelectrodes (p227), assays on preparation of purified substance P from horse gut (p229), table of critical points of rank sums from 'The use of ranks in a test of significance for comparing two treatments' (p233), assay of PB7 against IS on rat uterus (p237), notes on vivisection (third from last page). Guide to care of syringe from Hamilton Company (between p1 and p2). Letter from 'Raymond' from Department of Pharmacology at Oxford (29 Nov 1956) on samples of benziminazole compounds (between pp2-3). Summary of Indole compounds tested on a rat uterus (between pp6-7). Letter from Eric [Morton?] on bradykinin work (between p74-75). Report on electrophoretic analysis and fractionation by Gaddum (between p74-75). Summary of results for rat cerebellar preparation, by K Krnjevic and J F Mitchell (between pp78-79). Guide to Cerebellar Excitatory Factor (CEF) (between pp78-79). Letter from VP Whittaker on smooth muscle stimulating compound (between pp120 and 121). Notes on experiments with bradykinin (between pp144-145). Note on microlite syringe use (between pp206-207; 246-247). Directions for sharpening steel micro-electrodes (between pp226-227). Clipping from a paper 'Substance P Content and Effect on Capillary Permeability of Extract of Various Parts of the Human Brain' (between pp244-245). Notes on apparatus designed by Gaddum (between p244-245). Diagram of a microtap (between pp244-245).
Between last page and back cover: Letter from G B West regarding his sending a sample of RP7044, and his own work on oedema reaction, with receipt. Two chromatography photographs. Printout of 'A Cell and its Molecules -- Overall dimensions or diameter.' Paper by Gaddum on 'Push-Pull Capsule.' Two page guide on Salt Solutions for Pharmacological Experiments. Note regarding sarin solution given to Gaddum with notes on its safe use, referencing Shephards' single-breath experiments. Note marked 'Home Office Return' regarding experiments with cats. Seven other pages of loose notes. |