Citation | Carpenter, Geoffrey Douglas Hale (Oxford). D.M. (Oxon.). Hope Professor of Zoology (Entomology) in the University of Oxford. V.-P.L.S., 1935-36. Member of the Royal Society Sleeping Sickness Commission (1919-1914), published Nos. 12 (p.79), 14 (p.1) and 7 (p.1) of the Reports (1912-19); Specialist Officer for Sleeping Sickness in Uganda (1919-29), published in 'Bull. ent. Res. 13, 44 (1933), 15, 187 (1934). Distinguished for researches in Mimicry and Geographical Distribution of African insects. Among numerous publications special mention may be made of four upon the relations of the mimetic butterfly, 'Pseudacraea eurytus' to its models in Uganda (mainland and islands), Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 606 (1913), 84 (1920), 469 (1923), Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. , 10, 22 (19360, 22, of 'Experiments on the relative edibility of insects ' etc., Trans. end. Soc. Lond. 1 (1921) and 'The Rhopalocera of Abyssinia, a faunistic study' , Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond., 83, 313 (1935). Also two books - 'A Naturalist on Lake Victoria' Lond., 1920, and (with E B Ford), 'Mimicry', Lond., 1933. |