RefNo | LC/1942/02 |
Level | Item |
Title | Baker, George Stephen |
Date | 09 December 1937 |
Description | Certificate of Candidate for Election to the Fellowship Suspended 1925 -1929; 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942 Lapsed 1942 |
Citation | Baker, George Stephen (Twickenham). Naval Architect. Superintendent of W. Froude Laboratory at the N.P.L. For more than 25 years he has not only carried on and developed the work of the late William Froude but has done much original research work, including the air resistance of ships and the resistance met in rough water amongst waves, the design of propellers, and the steering of ships. His work has led to the improvement in ship design and has kept us fully abreast of the work done in this field of investigation by research workers abroad in Germany, USA and elsewhere. Has read many papers on subject referred to. |
Proposers | From Personal Knowledge: Proposer - Eustace H T d'Eyncourt; Seconder - Rayleigh; H Gough; L Bairstow From General Knowledge; C E Inglis; H T Tizard; Alexander Gibb |
Extent | 1 sheet |
Format | Manuscript |
AccessStatus | Open |