Citation | Cotton, Arthur Disbrowe (Kew). O.B.E. Keeper of Herbarium and Library, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Since 1922 Keepr of Herbarium at Kew; assistant there 1904-15; mycologist to Ministry of Agriculture, 1915-22. Apart from fillin successfully these important administrative posts, is distinguished for researches on algae fungi, and flowering plants. His handling of the algae in the 'Clare Island Survey' is of outstanding merit, and has constiuted the basis for many subsequent reserches on marine algal ecology; equally valuable is a memoir on 'Cryptogams of the Falkland Isles'. Latterly he has worked on the arborescent 'Senecios' and the genus 'Lilium', and several preliminary papers indicate the excellence and wide scope of this work, which is approaching publication in full. |