Citation | Stratton, Frederick John Marrian (Cambridge). O.B.E., M.A., D.L. Professor of Astrophysics and Director of the Solar Physics Observatory, Cambridge. General Secretary of the International Council of Scientific Unions. Formerly General Secretary of the International Astronomical Union, and of the British Association. Secretary of the Joint Permanent Eclipse Committee. Distinguished for his researches on Novae (Spectrum of Nova Geminorum II, Annals S.P.O., 4, Part I, and article in 'Handbuch der Astrophysik, Bd. VI, etc). Has been prominent in the organisation and development of eclipse observtions since 1921, and was, with Davidson, the first to apply spectrophotometry at eclipses (Spectrophotometry of the Chromosphere; Monthly Notices, 88, 536). Author of 'Astronomical Physics' (Methues, 1924) |