Citation | Moullin, Eric Balliol (Oxford). Fellow of Magdalen College and Donald Pollock Reader in Engineering Science, Oxford; formerly University Lecturer and Lecturer of King's College, Cambridge. Distinguished for his researches in radio-frequency measurements, the theory of aerials, the effects of atmospherics on radio receivers, and the synchronous vibrations of ships. Author of 'Radio Frequency Measurements' (Griffin, 1926), 'Principles of Electromagnetism' (Oxford University press, 1932), and 'Spontaneous Fluctuations of Voltage' (Oxford University Press, 1939). A pioneer in the development of thermionic voltmeters and ammeters for high radio frequencies; has devised new methods for measuring dielectric loss at high radio frequencies, and secondary thermionic emission; has determined Botzmann's constant from the effect of electron agitation in conductors, and has contributed much to the investigation of 'shot' effect. |