Description | Refers to a phone call received from the Admiralty about an 'urgent matter' with the Greenwich Observatory, and 'trouble' with the Tramway Company and electric disturbance.
Enclosed is a letter from the Admiralty, to the President of the Royal Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, dated 6 October 1922, consisting of one page, referring to the 'proposed electrification of the Sputh Eastern and Chatham Railway'. Enclosed is a letter from the Treasurer and Vice-President, to the Secretary of the Admiralty, dated 7 October 1922, consisting of one page. Informs that Dr G C Simpson, Director of the Meteorological Office to represent the Royal Society on the Tribunal referred to. Enclosed is a letter from G C Simpson, Director of the Meteorological Office, Air Ministry, Kingsway, London, to the Secretary of the Royal Society, dated 17 October 1922, consisting of one page, sends copies of the Report of the Tribunal. Enclosed is a copy of a letter from F W Dyson (Astronomer Royal) and G C Simpson (Representing the Royal Society) to the Secretary of the Admiralty, dated 7 October, with the enclosed report, in which they considered the application of the London Electric Supply Corporation Ltd., to install additional generating plant at their Deptford Power Station. |